I’m not insulting household investors. Not most of them, at least. I’m insulating a lack of logical thinking pushed by malicious actors to set up a narrative like $200m or something could possibly happen. As for reddit being predominantly karma farming accounts and bots, yes, absolutely.
Exactly. GME is a legacy corporation they’re trying to pivot into tech. You can’t just pivot overnight and expect everybody to be onboard chasing the shiny new toy. There are definitely people out there that would buy into RCs vision and be experienced and smart enough to do it – but, are they willing to take the risk on his vision in shares vs taking that risk with a healthy cash compensation package? He whines about the C-suites all over the world being vastly overpaid, and he’s correct. But there’s a line between paying for the talent you need that aligns with you want to do, and just taking your ball and going home because you don’t want to bid what the market is asking for salary to do those things.
I don’t live in the multi-billion dollar corporate circles, but I work in them. If I truly thought Furlong was “the guy” I wanted, I’d have been paying him over a million a year plus tiered growth stock incentives and cash bonuses. It lets the guy live his life as he was probably accustomed to coming over as a former division president of AMZN, and still gives him tangible accelerators and bonuses for company growth. A million bucks a year for a quality CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation is a bargain.