My favorite game is actually 3. The mass effect trilogy. I designed my first tattoo around the n7 renegade and paragon symbols. Second is definitely Mario bros 3. Still play it every once in a while.
My favorite game is actually 3. The mass effect trilogy. I designed my first tattoo around the n7 renegade and paragon symbols. Second is definitely Mario bros 3. Still play it every once in a while.
I have directed kinetic energy weapons though.
They don’t give a single fuck about any letter you make, any protest you do. Any law you say they broke. What the fuck are you going to do about ir? Until that answer is armed revolt they will not give a single fuck about anything you do.
I think I’ll vote liberal to give some hope to battling the cons. Because the cons are garbage.
Oh I can enrage americans? Awesome. It’s going to be a good day. A not getting banned off reddit day.
Our cat used to go out for a while. Then she started roaming the neighborhood and we kept her inside. She got out once after that, got the absolute shit kicked out of her somewhere, and came home 5 days later just wrecked. Now she bolts outside stops at the edge of the patio and has ptsd and won’t go farther.
Ill just leave it to beaver i guess
Bullets need to start flying. And I’m waiting for that day.
Executions in the fucking street. That’s how it always should have been but we went soft. I’m going to be less soft going forward.
We need to start killing them again. They feel too safe.
Yah, well, some people have lost the right to live.
Yah but their son geht sett was a very popular go player.
Guess you’ve never heard of war. There seems to be a big one going on right now. And another one Brewing.
Well maybe they shouldn’t be on the map. Just saying.
Honestly I’m 100% for the death penalty. But you have to be very very sure. Some people have lost the right to live with the crime they have done. Catch a person SA a child for example. Right to the firing squad. Catch someone killing innocent people, right to the firing squad.
Catch a person with dubious evidence to a crime, maybe not right to the firing squad. Which is the part a lot of systems fuck up.
Well. That’s the nail in the coffin for pp and his ineptitude.
They had a chance to do the funniest thing ever.
Yah, that’s your problem. He has declared war on canada, and we have guns. A large amount of them, and mostly undocumented. I’d say he better not step foot on our soil, but he’s a felon and can’t.
A simple bang is all that’s needed.
I literally just got permabanned for saying fuck you. Reddits dogshit now,