Blatant war crime.
Blatant war crime.
Hamas has proven more reliable than the IDF.
Going to take a long time to replace many of these losses.
At least 18 years in some cases.
Finns inte mycket du kan göra. Det är inte olagligt att ha en bil med punkterat däck på sin uppfart, och jag tror knappast pliten tänker sätta span på din granne.
Democrats fight like hell all the time except when they’re in office.
Kan bli den dyraste affären i deras liv. Teslor brinner tydligen rätt bra.
It’s not just about his career, it’s about his life. Netanyahu faces possible incarceration if he loses his position.
It was always a charade, they just don’t feel like they have to keep it up anymore.
The Hungarians are aware that their government is making them poorer just so that they can drink more Russian cum.
I think, even a psychopath understand the usefulness of empathy at the conceptual level, both to the individual and society as a whole. Elon is just fucking stupid, insanely out of touch, drugged out of his gourd.
Fortsätter det såhär kommer Tesla få lov att lägga ner sin verksamhet i Sverige.
Hallucination comes off as confidence. Very human like behavior tbh.
It certainly is a lot more open source than OpenAI, that’s for sure.
USA has always been corrupt. What’s chocking is the brazenness of this administration. Former administrations at least had the decency to do it in the shadows.
Just like in Soviet Union under Stalin.
Make Elon test ride the first Tesla robotaxi and there’s a chance the funniest thing of all time will happen.
Samma dag ska Andersson även ha lyssnat på lugn instrumental elektronisk musik via Youtube och också undersökt vädret i Örebro, skriver tidningen.
Undrar om det var Carbon Based Lifeforms han lyssnade på.
The stock is currently recovering but there’s a lot of fear. People might bail out if Musk pulls another stunt.