Traitors gonna traitor.
Traitors gonna traitor.
So that’s 102 kids with complete morons for parents, I feel so sorry for them.
The dizzying heights of human achievement will always amaze me.
Shut up and take my money.
Those Albertans can fuck right off to the States then, can’t they?
Absolutely agreed, isolationism is a game with no winners.
You have a point there lol.
But as you know, hijabs, turbans and yamulkes are not equal to a hat. A hat is something you put on as an accessory and can easily take off, the other three are basic tenets of those people’s faith, a very different thing indeed. I believe a public school system should be staunchly secular, but to not allow someone to wear something mandated by their faith isn’t secularism, it’s religious oppression.
I’m an atheist and completely non-religious - but someone wearing a hijab, a turban or a yamulke in observance of their religious beliefs is frankly none of my business, and has zero effect on me. I believe in a secular public school system, but that doesn’t mean oppressing someone’s religious freedom.
Edit: typo
So you don’t think Muslim students should have the freedom to wear a hijab if they choose? Pathetic.
Yes, everyone knows libraries are hotbeds of drug activity lmao. What petulant little snowflakes the MAGAts are.
He mispronounced “I’m afraid of a free press that asks questions”.
Mango Mussolini can go fuck himself.
Doesn’t surprise me - I got a lifetime IP ban for saying “Fuck Elon Musk all the way to hell”
Aww, the Swasticars aren’t working out for you? Lemme look for some sympathy…oh wait, I don’t have any.
Fuck Danielle Smith and her traitorous, MAGA-loving ass.
She’s been sucking MAGA dick for so long it’s scrambled her brain. I can’t believe people voted for this traitorous loser.
Trump can go fuck himself, can’t he?
The only thing he cares about is money - for himself and anyone who kisses his ass - trying to fuck his own daughter.
Carney bringing those high elbows to the campaign trail, and I’m totally here for it 😎