I think this was the plot of something I read ages ago.
I think it was a japanese comic of some sort.
I think this was the plot of something I read ages ago.
I think it was a japanese comic of some sort.
Literally Wesley Snipes’ best movie, and one of John Leguizamo’s best works.
As for Patrick Swayze, gone too soon, fuck cancer, man.
Apparently it’s only “compromise” when it aligns with corporate interests. When it’s about the benefit of the people, it somehow becomes “extremism”.
The moment Robber Barons were first stopped, they starting working to rig things so they are never stopped again.
The only way to remind them that they have no such power is the French way.
All Tesla dealerships should be on fire by now. Now protected by a wall of obese ‘police’ that would not pass the most lenient tests to join the police force in any country of the EU.
There is currently no standard irony or sarcasm punctuation.
Until there is one, you can use some other symbol for irony punctuation. Like ⸮, ‽, ¡ or ¿.
You can also use the rolleyes emote 🙄, strategic italics, and even rAndOMcASe capitalization.
Just don’t use the SarcMark™. A trademarked punctuation mark you have to pay to use is one of the most bullshit forms of capitalist bullshit one can imagine. Fuck that shit with a white-hot iron rebar.
Oh, before I forget, there’s also the snarkmark ( .~ ). Works like the SarcMark™, but you don’t have to tell the world you are an idiot for paying to use a punctuation mark.
Of course. And by that, they mean land and business owners who cozy up to the cabal, not the “lowly NPC masses”.
Which is why buybacks need to be illegal again, and dividends need to be regulated and taxed better baed on factors like how much the company benefits the community.
And employees need to be guaranteed a proportional cut too, ensuring that better performance and higher company earnings always means they earn more, and not that they get fired and the one who gets a bonus is some random CEO who only kept trying to push bad ideas the employees kept fighting all the time.
It’s a simplistic statement, but it’s not meant to be that broad, it’s meant to be taken for this type of practice.
If everyone lived off leeching off someone else or from being middlemen, without producing anything, there would only be money moved with no products, labor, or services.
It’s not meant to be applied to something like “what if everyone’s business was just opening a pub?”. The economy would be destroyed without diversification and many kinds of businesses. But being a landlord isn’t anything like that. Particularly those that won’t freaking repair anything wrong with the house, just take their checks and the tenant is on their own.
If it would destroy the economy if everyone did it, then it should not be doable in the first place.
It is extremely sad that there aren’t any patriots in the US doing what needs to be done to stop the traitors.
Don’t let the grabbing hands grab all they can.
The American politicians basically barred the ability for any other party to get into power, until people gave up going to vote, and fascism won by a third of the votes.
It all started before the Red Scare. The moment the Robber Barons got their plans thwarted, they started planning so it would never happen again, and they played the long, long game.
I wonder how will be the US’s method for ‘accidental demise’ moving foward.
Defenestration is already taken by Russia, but Trump is not that original, so I’m guessing he’ll use the same method, considering he’s working form Putin and all.
My comment wasn’t about how the current laws of Austria are but about how they ought to be in any country.
You win the public vote when you get 51% of all the people who had the right to vote. That includes those who didn’t vote.
If participation is only 50% of the voters, and you get 51% of that participation, you didn’t get 51% of the votes, you got 25.5% of the votes.
And by this, I don’t mean what the current laws consider “winning the public vote” in any particular country. I mean what they need to be for that to be really true.
Getting enough monsters and idiots vote for them is still a bad thing, but that doesn’t mean they won.
“Winning the elections” isn’t being the single force that got the most votes individually.
That’s first-past-the-post bullshit like they have in the US.
Those who win an election in a parliamentary government are those who can form a government.
“No! My dystopias!”
They’ll always have Gilead.
Krasnov still at it with the dismantling.
When he’s done the ‘axis of evil’ countries will have a field day with their neighboring countries completely unchecked.
All horses all of the time.