I did nothing and I’m all out of ideas!

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Interessante.
    Son dovuto andare a cercare se fosse davvero una pagina di blocco vera della polizia postale, ed a quanto pare è così. Ma non sembra esista una lista dei domini bloccati per verificarne l’attendibilità - anche se IMHO è onestamente capibile ed accettabile il fatto che non vengano elencati in giro, data la natura sensibile.

    Però comunque niente privacy shield, ma direttamente azione di PS.

    Quindi se usi DNS di cloudflare oppure di qualche ISP italiano verrai nel primo caso bloccato dal sito e nel secondo reindirizzato a questo avviso.

  • Per chi non lo sapesse, l’app è anche presente su F-Droid, dove è sempre gratuita: link

    Il codice sorgente dovrebbe esser su codeberg (link) per chi volesse compilarla da solo o avere maggiori informazioni.

    Credo non vi siano differenze fra le due versioni, eccetto il fatto che per partecipare alle Beta bisogna avere la versione Google Play. Ma potrei sbagliare.

    EDIT: Al momento di questo post la versione F-Droid sembra esser indietro qualche patch (2.13.0 invece di 2.13.3), che è abbastanza tipico per la piattaforma. Changelog

  • Because, as pointed in the page, Servo is being developed as a(n embeddable) Rendering Engine, not as a full blown end user Browser.
    Its alternatives are not Chrome, Safari or Firefox, but Webkit, Blink and Gecko

    There’s an example GUI called Servoshell, but it is more of a testing ground and example on how to embed the engine in an app than a serious alternative to anything currently in the market.

    Already this kind of work is difficult and daunting. Adding to it a full GUI would make it completely impossible for the current size and financial backing Servo has.

    Big words aside it just means that Servo wants to be only one of the parts that compose a real browser: the one that takes HTML, Javascript, WASM and translates them into the things you see on your monitor. All the user facing functionality are left to the devs of the app that embed it.

  • I feel there’s some kind of miscommunication going on here.

    Probably I’m not understanding what you are putting forward, but to be clear: They are not doing this because they want to. They are doing it because they are forced to do it by the DMA.
    It’s true that allegedly they were working on some kind of interoperability layer already. For years now. But no evidence of it being more than lip service to avoid being regulated has ever surfaced - as far as I know.

    Which would have been in line with your “Do Nothing”.

  • as an unwilling Whatsapp user the ability to migrate without having to convince all my social circles to do anything but check a checkbox sounds like a huge step forward.

    That’s the point. I feel it will not be a “simple checkbox”, and they will make it the most obnoxious process they can using the Best Dark Patterns the industry has to offer.

    Already the general public is not interested in the alternatives or the concept of interoperability - wanting something that Just Works™ - putting in front even the smallest step (and some scary text!) will make the percentage of willing people become even lower.
    And that’s not all. As it is portraited in the article by the Threema’s spokeperson it is pretty clear that Meta will just try to make the maintenance of the communication layer as cumbersome as they can - both technically and bureaucratically.
    They are explicitly the ones keeping the reins of the standard, the features, the security model, the exchanged data and who, how and when will be approved.

    So from one side if they make it hard and scary enough to tank the use rate, they will have the excuse of not being there enough people to give priority to fix it or add features, and from the other side if maintaining the interoperability will be difficult and time consuming enough, the people and businesses from the alternatives or wrappers will not have the incentive to do or keep doing it for the long haul. As we can already see in the article.

    Is it better than nothing? Sure, probably. Will it be a slow cooking, easy to break, easy to get excluded from, just bare minimum to comply to the letter but not the spirit of the law? I feel that’s a pretty good bet to make.

    Let’s be clear: I will be extremely happy if all the red flags and warning bells that I saw in the article will just end up being figments of my imagination. But yes, I’m very pessimistic - maybe even too much - when I see these kind of corporate speech and keywords.