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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2024


  • Once you create a tool, it will be used. And not necessarily for good.

    Truth. The mission is to get the right tools to insure that that they can never be used to create suffering ever again.

    “Reeducation” is bad in general, except for helping criminals or the mentally ill. Advocating it is an extremely authoritarian view that goes against all modern concepts of personal liberties (real ones, not “the freedom to cough everywhere”).

    Personal liberty is not as important to me as the welfare of all sentient beings.

    It indicates to me that you believe that you are 100% correct and will always be in power, so it will not be used against you. That’s not an altruistic view. That’s what a king believes.

    It’s not that I think I’m 100% correct, but rather that there is a 99.9999% correct way to be stewards of this earth, and I believe that answer is attainable through science and reasoning. So much of global policy is decided by greed rather than altruism. It’s possible to set up a system that works towards humanitarian goals, but there are humans that don’t want to give up power and control, and they’re not all billionaires or governments. most of them are just ordinary people brainwashed by religion and tribalism. We will never be able to achieve anything like a utopia as long as those people are in the way. Reeducation is just a kinder alternative to the most logical course of action, and if you really think about the consequences of inaction, it’s imperative that we act soon.

    All I want is for people to see that.

  • it does more good to get rid of the bad elements of society because they pave the way for a better society. we’ll never have the society that benefits all until we get rid of the barriers to it. everyone cannot be saved, and every minute we don’t take direct action to fix our society dooms millions more that have yet to be born, if not billions (not even counting the animal life affected by it). it’s a simple trolley problem. I temper my altruism with basic logic. you take the direct path to alleviating the suffering for the most creatures, not all creatures.

  • that’s also true. i think there are a lot of selfish people that understand that if america came to live within its means and stopped profiting off of a lot of other people’s misfortune, that our collective quality of living would go down a little bit, and they’d rather see other people suffer than sacrifice any bit of convenience or luxury.

    that kind of thinking is incongruent with altruism and those people need to be culled or reeducated.

  • MB420GFY@lemmy.worldtoCurated Tumblr@sh.itjust.worksvote, please
    4 months ago

    people need to remember that part of the reason the country keeps moving to the right is because there are large swaths of the population that like it that way. it’s not just the elite feeding the right propaganda to the people - it’s the people looking for more and more conservative candidates as they watch their ‘christian nation’ become secular and their white cis male dominated culture become more open.

    we need to stop believing that most people are by nature good. there are plenty of little fascist dictators in every small town community that want to see people suffer.

    the truth is that we need a great culling of the rotten apples in every aspect of society.

  • but we need to get more people on board, which means advocating for violence in public places. a tiny fraction of people in a super secret space is a recipe for getting charged as conspirators and co-conspirators. we need people across the entire fucking planet rattling their chains in unison. we need a movement that’s too big to be jailed.