• 3 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2023


  • Great Thursday/Pi Day/My Fair Lady’s Birthday! Her friends threw her a little birthday bonfire with hot dogs and cake and fire twirling! It was such a beautiful evening! I got her a wrist-rocket, fist full of big ol ball bearings and a Reese’s Peanut Butter Bunny and she fuckin loves it!! She’s mid 40’s-ish… but, this was her first birthday party.!!.. I wasn’t aware of that, or I would’ve probably gone out bigger for it, but I honestly think that it’s even better that it was just friends and loved ones showing her she’s special today. Came out just perfect. Took the long way home, stopped and admired the crisp clear night sky and now we’re home. Beautiful fucking birthday. And we stayed sober. Well, maybe she was a wee tad tipsy, but not drink for certain. Alcohol isn’t her demon, anyways… Hope everyone’s Pi Day was just as perfect, if not even better!