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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • Geez, can you have a conversation without engaging in ad-hominem attacks? You’ve really thrown civilty out the window here.

    Again, Palestine wants to wipe Israel off the face of this earth. Why is it okay for Palestine to do it and not Israel?

    Of course Palestine wants to wipe out Israel, they fucked the Palestinians 10 times sideways and displaced the whole population. But does anyone seriously think Palestine is capable of wiping out israel? I dont think either is OK, but how much suffering can you lay on a whole population before retaliation is justified? Why shouldn’t the Palestinians hate Israel when it’s creation led to all of them losing their homes?

    At least you’re consistently dumb. I just wish that blissful dumbness would bleed over into defending Israel from time to time.

    Damn, fuck off asshole. You have no idea how much leeway I’ve given Israel until now. I’ve defended Israel, and I just can’t anymore. Israel created a mess, and their only solution is to annihilate the people they displaced?

    I don’t think you’re just stupid. I think you’re an actual horrible person to dismiss an entire country and its people because somebody told you one side is good and one side is bad.

    I started looking into the history of the situation and my opinion changed. I’m not dismissing the Israeli people, but I’m not going to support their retalliation either. I’m a horrible person for that? Wouldn’t that make you a horrible person for supporting Israel’s genocide of Palestinians? Nobody “told me what to think” you smug prick, can you stop projecting for one conversation?

  • By that logic, do all countries have a century long statute of limitations to engage in vengeful warfare because of “past conflicts”. Would you justify the massacre of white people because of slavery

    This is a false equivalency, Israel is actively engaging in settler-colonialism and genocide. These people who have been expelled from their home 76 years ago are actively suffering for it, it’s a living memory. Are you comfortable letting “your side” use Hamas’s attack on Israel as a justification to engage in ethnic cleansing ?

    Or would you allow native Americans to kill thousands because their ancestors were pushed away from their “land”?

    I would actually support giving land back to native Americans in the US/canada. If they started attacking white people to take land back, i wouldn’t use that as an excuse to decimate their population. It’s possible to have a nuanced understanding of a situation, and still not side with genocide.

    You do realize that every single country has fought for its territory - no flag is without sin.

    And it’s possible to recognize and be critical of that, while also being critical of an ethnostate that is actively engaging in the decimation of the Palestinians that used to live there.

    I’m sorry your side isn’t willing to budge on this issue but you can’t engage in this discourse without a nuanced understanding of real history and honest critical thinking. You’re letting others tell you what to feel and look stupid for it.

    Seriously? It sounds like you’re projecting an idea of “my side” onto me. Im sorry you aren’t able to engage in nuanced discourse without projecting and attacking my intelligence.

  • Liberals and social democrats think we can vote our way out of the evils of capitalism, but we’ll never have the wealthy class’s “permission” to end any of this. The status quo is fueled by violence, blood and oil - but “moderates” treat this as acceptable violence, unlike “Communism” which engages in that “Evil, authoritarian” sort of violence.

    Violence caused by our inaction towards capitalist exploitation is no better than violent pro-activeness. In the words Canadian rock legend Geddy Lee: “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”

  • I’ve seen “Tankie” pulled out on Lemmy and Reddit over things like:

    • Suggesting a revolution is required to stop global capitalism, and that we cannot vote our way out of Capitalism

    • Countering common narratives that paint US Geopolitical Adversaries and Existing Socialist/Communist regimes as comically evil villains.

    • Criticizing the western perspective on the Russia/Ukraine conflict, and by extension criticism of Ukraine, or praise for Russia

    • Suggesting that violence against Nazis is ok

    I mostly get the impression that people don’t like violence, and dislike the idea that capitalism may need to be opposed through violence. Though I’ve also seen it thrown out at suggestions that capitalism should even be defeated at all. It feels like a poison tbh, we really should just be uniting against capitalism.

  • A farmer who was handed a multi-million dollar farm at birth is still significantly more advantaged than a staggering majority of people, doesn’t mean they dont work hard, but it would take most people all the good years of their lives working just as hard or harder to build up to where that farmer started. Assuming they even make it to that point.

  • Kythtrid@sh.itjust.workstoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldIndistinguishable!
    10 months ago

    You listed them as non-transphobic, nuanced points one might hold. My point was just that they are transphobic views. I didn’t say it was a view every centrist holds, but one a centrist MAY hold.

    A lot of people who would otherwise say they respect trans people, would hold any of the transphobic views you listed and gladly vote against their interests.

  • Kythtrid@sh.itjust.workstoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldIndistinguishable!
    10 months ago

    Probably by talking to centrists, I’ve come to a similar conclusion. Every single centrist I’ve talked to in person either refuses to use preferred pronouns, are outwardly disgusted by the idea of a trans woman, dont want them using their preferred bathroom, or are afraid of “trans indoctrination” in school (they dont want trans people mentioned or talked about in any class context). Idk, i know anecdotes arent strong evidence, but based on my experience, i don’t think they pulled this conclusion from nowhere.