The only benefit I got from it was being able to charge my car with a powerplug
Just a gamer, might stream again one day: https://www.twitch.tv/kualdir
Find my socials at http://kualdir.eu/
My only other account: https://feddit.org/u/Kualdir
The only benefit I got from it was being able to charge my car with a powerplug
I’ve moved from Belgium to the Netherlands (so the standard you show to the one with 2 grounding things at the top and bottom). Every single plug was compatible and usable without issue. The ONLY issue with the plugs here is that they can’t handle as high of a load as the Belgian ones. The best part about these are that you can plug it in both ways which is soooo convenient!
What you call a crepe, is what we call pancakes in Belgium/the Netherlands
The villain from FC3 is the best one in any game to date for me, he’s so well written and voice acted!
My only gripe with the game is that it likes to get you high every so often and those sequences (except the ones closer to the ending) feel like a shore
Better to just buy a pixel 8 instead
According to the netflix series called High Tides that I watched the rich bury dead bodies in the buildings they build to hide them and Netflix would never lie to me
The new headset will be standalone as far as we know so it’ll run games on its own like the quest does!
Sadly there isn’t even any company I could see making a dent in this in the near future. The Pico did something but not enough and Valve’s new headset will be too expensive to get a major %
Some of the friends like playing different stuff, but some also just like playing certain games. That’s ok really but it is in this case limiting me from switching to Linux haha
It’d be nice to be able to switch around more like you’re saying
I appreciate the social time I spend with friends while playing it. I don’t really understand the elitism of a lot of people that say “just don’t play it” as if my social circle doesn’t get impacted by that.
Like, all the better to you that you are able to avoid it! Wish I could as well, there was a time where I would’ve. But the people I play this with have been my friends for years and valorant is currently one of the main games we play.
Its good I don’t associate you with the linux community, because if I did my will to switch over would be severely lower because of your stupid behavior with this comment.
This is just plain and simple my reason for not switching, you not being able to accept it is not my issue.
100% its just riot being an ahole but its still the reason I’m not switching
Yes it is and I fully agree with you, but it is *still *the reason I’m not switching
Its not a bug its a feature!
I don’t believe kernal anti-cheats add enough value for the risk they add but I still enjoy the games.
Ahyes, most sensible answer I’ve gotten on this topic as of yet
Depends on the anti-cheat bud
The issue is that the Linux playerbase is so small, but its a self fulfilling prophecy. Players don’t play on Linux cause of the issues and the issues are there cause there are not enough players on Linux.
and after a while I clear the list cause I’m not gonna watch it anyways