Just a 🏳️‍🌈 bisexual ∞ neurodivergent 🇧🇷 brazilian 🚩 comrade that loves Berserk, JoJo’s and 🐧 Linux.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023

  • The Binding of Isaac with all the DLCs. I really mean it. It’s the most replayable game I ever played, not only that, but there’s tons of mods on the Steam Workshop too.

    I don’t think any other roguelike comes close in just the sheer amount of things to do and see in this game. I’ve been playing on and off for years, have more than 500 hours and I still have challenges to complete, characters and items to unlock and item synergies to see.

    I gotta get back into Ultrakill, I really wanted to start P-Ranking to get to the big boss fights.

  • That’s the thing, you identified an issue, we constantly hear bad and scary stuff about China all the time, that’s western propaganda trying to turn China into the enemy so whatever the west, mainly the US, wants to do, becomes justifiable.

    You don’t need to live there to know, at least partiatly, the reality of what goes on in the country nor it’s international relations. I’m not from the US, but I do know all those things I just cited in my last comment. All you need are good sources. You can start by studying how China handles its international relations. You’ll quickly realize that China doesn’t threat, embargo or invade other countries.

    If you are genuinely interested you can learn a lot by visiting Lemmygrad and Hexbear, there are communities there to ask for information, and as long as you’re wanting to learn, you will be welcomed.

    Also, Xi Jinping is not insane at all like the media likes to portray him. The statement is too broad for me to tackle any specific thing, tho.

    I don’t think China cares about human rights very much. And I would not be surprised if people gets killed and made to disappear if they are inconvenient.

    Again, very broad statement, what human rights and what you mean by this? This probably comes from more propaganda led disinformation.

    Also, China is a massive country with 1.4 billion people. Do you really think we wouldn’t have proof of people being repressed, killed and disappearing? The people there aren’t isolated from the internet, they can access beyond the restrictions easily with VPNs which are common, it would be easy to show this stuff to the rest of the world.

    Protests happen all the time in China and people critique the government, just like basically any other country.

    If you want the perspective of a foreigner living there, I recommend the youtube channel Felipe Durante, he speaks Portuguese but the auto translate on youtube should be good enough, at least for english.

  • Fucking hell. This isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact that the US is the enemy of the world. The US funds coups, destabilize, install military dictatorships, invades and bombs countries and it’s the only country in the world to drop a nuclear bomb on people, and THEY DID IT TWICE.

    Stop making “wHaT iFs” in your head and actually look at the reality of what China does. It’s not even comparable.

  • You’re the one applying morals where there is none.

    Communism is not about morality and we doesn’t have a moral judgment of the world. It’s simply looking at the material reality of things and them formulating ideas from that, the exact opposite of idealism (religion is a form of idealism).

    What that user said is an exageration, sure, but they are not far off. Your only options under capitalism are work and pray to earn enough to pay for rent, or live in the streets. There’s no choice here, you have no safety nets, no certainty.

    The reality is that the biggest FOSS projects are usually bankrolled by companies that need them, not because of some moral good, but because it makes more monetary sense to do it that way.

    Now for the other side, projects with no money incentive involved, where people contribute because they want too, usually are slow or in need of more contributors, precisely because, under capitalism, they don’t have enough free time, they need to worry about their full time job and all the other priorities in their lives before they can sit down and contribute some code.

    Again, there no moral judgement here, it’s simply a description of the material reality.

  • None of us claims that Russia is a communist state, nor do we praise it, this is a straight up lie. If you want to oppose our CRITICAL support of Russia’s fight against NATO and the west hegemony, go ahead, but provide actual arguments instead of fabricating shit.

    Now for the DPRK, it is a communist state, stop consuming propaganda uncritically. Go search what people that study the DPRK have to say. Inform yourself on the fight of the Korean people, what they have gone through and what the US did there.

    I’m not engaging any further than this, you’re just acussing us of shit and repeating common liberal talking points.

  • You don’t need to like us, but at the very least learn and engage honestly if you want to oppose what we have to say. Comparing us to fascists just shows how you know jack shit of what you’re talking about and how condescending you are. The only reason the world doesn’t speak german right now is because of the Soviets, don’t fucking compare MLs to fascists. Also, “mUh ReAl LefTisM”, fuck off.

  • I’ve been using it for a few months now and I think it is great. I can’t compare it to Goodreads and others because I have not used them, but it is pretty straight forward to add a book, give a rating and write a review. I like the UI a lot too.

    The only problems I have with it is that the API they use is not very good for adding books in my native language and that backup is manual and I don’t know if it has integration with Android’s automatic backup.

    Also, it would be nice to be able to write multiple reviews for the same book, it would be cool to see how much my vision and opinion of a particular title changed over time. I should probably suggest this feature on their github.

  • I’m not from the US but I’ll answer anyway.

    Like a comrade already commented, I think there’s a problem with the way you’re thinking of capitalism. It would be useful to know at least a few of these complaints you saw that feel like it’s only venting.

    Answering your question, I would like to see a planned economy where humans needs are put above profits. We can make a better world for everyone, instead of only for a extremely small part of the world that holds all the power.

    That being said, lawmakers cannot enact meaningful changes under capitalism like you suggest. This is not an opinion, it is how the system works. Allende in Chile is the perfect example of this, he tried to reform the system, suffered a coup and was assassinated.

    In capitalism the ruling class are the bourgeoisie, that is to say, the ultra-rich, and they as a class have interests that are the direct opposite of everyone else, the working class, the proletariat. This is a crucial part of capitalism, the system that Marx dedicated his whole life studying and describing.

    Because of this, every time workers rights are secured or better living conditions are achieved through the system, like free housing for the poor or public healthcare, the ruling class lose some of their power which they will get back eventually. Besides that, it is difficult enough to even get to that point because they will do everything to stop such rights and safety nets from being approved in the first place, as the ruling class can just lobby and buy politicians. It’s not a coincidence that public healthcare is not a thing in the US and that so many people are living in the streets, that medication is so expensive all over the world and that the US is so averse to unions still to this day.

    Capitalism will literally cook us alive, reform is not the way forward.

  • Kras Mazov@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlCommunist Filth/Capitalist Filth
    8 months ago

    You seem to be at least a little bit interested, I suggest you watch some videos on youtube so you understand it better, the channel Second Thought would be a good place to start.

    I’ll try to answer your concerns below:

    The current ideology of society is the ideology of its rulling class.

    Human nature, if anything is much more about collaboration and collective effort than greed, that’s how it has been for most of human history.

    That is to say, we precisely see so much greed everywhere because we live in a system that heavily incentivizes individuality and greed. From the way we are taught to the media we consume, it’s literally everywhere. We are heavily influenced to think and see things in this particular individualistic way.

    A society that puts human needs and collective effort above profits have a different way of viewing and interacting with the world than the way we do in capitalist societies. Besides that, if your concern is people abusing power, there should be mechanisms in place to account for that.

    My knowledge on this whole topic is not deep, but I guess something you could look up is democratic centralism to understand how hierarchy works in a marxist-leninist socialist state.

    Also, my understanding is that marxist theory is only dogmatic in relation to it’s method, as everything else about it adapts to the reality and the material conditions of the time and place it is to be put into practice.