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Joined 10 个月前
Cake day: 2023年9月8日


  • Warning, no technical stuff, only creed:

    I don’t hate Windows in and off itself. For me it represents my first contact with a computer and influences my choice of UI to this day.

    I hate what it stands for, which for me is something I call “gated computing”; a restriction of access to computational power and abilities. It turns a machine with near limitless potential, like watching cat videos, sharing how to best build bridges or calculating the bygone cycles of the moon, to a machine that maliciously distracts people while giving a selected few the power of watching over them with ever changing objectives as to why they watch them.

    Windows, like few others, eased people into thinking that that was the right way to use a computer all along.

    That is why I hate it.

  • Well, she’s advertised as a pretty woman, not a smart one.

    And now, with a little less jest: It’s a stable income over a week, with a guy she evidently likes to at least look at. No need for advertising in that time. Meals are paid, as is time off. Also, the 21$ assume that she is paid 24 hours a day (3000$ ÷ 24 ÷ 6 = 20,83333…$) so she gets paid for sleeping, eating, essentially her own time. She also gets the opportunity to scout new, well off clients.

    I would take that deal.