You’re also starting fights over on another thread of mine so… I guess this scratches some itch for you!
Boss, you do you. Call me if you need a tow.
You’re also starting fights over on another thread of mine so… I guess this scratches some itch for you!
Boss, you do you. Call me if you need a tow.
That’s part of the story (though, why did Tesla ship a luxury truck with such trash tires?). Weight is a actually good thing in light snow. If you have low traction, you can actually add weight to the truck bed to get better traction. Folks in my neck the woods put sandbags and stuff in their beds to do exactly that.
Keep your eyes on what the tires are doing in the video. See how they’re rolling at all the wrong times, and then locking up at all the wrong times? That’s an electronic system failing, that’s probably the Automatic Traction Control, and evidently it doesn’t know what the fuck to do with snow.
We strive for accuracy here at FuelArc News XD If the story is simple enough, we sometimes even achieve it!
Gentrified forest is the most cursed phrase I heard in a minute.
Just announcing a follow-up self-driving system on their first really pretty bad system has them on an escape trajectory with their stock price.
I’m starting to think Tesla set all the wrong examples for the auto industry.
Can’t deny any of that.
Have I mentioned, I’m broadly surprised by how reasonable the conversations are here versus Reddit? Thanks for that, I think I misunderstood your initial comment
They show a still photo in the video, where the engineer comments on that. He highlights the wrinkles in the wall image, imperfections and shadows that a human can see. The way he told it, it was hard to miss to a human
Haha, well, that shows my reading comprehension level!
I know him!!! He featured heavily in that one Walter Isaacson biography, The Codebreaker. About Dr. Doudna of course.
Did he get his PHD? Well, good on him. I see China has a better anti-recidivism program than the USA has. Last I heard, he was doing hard time in Chinese prison for mad scientist stuff.
(Edit: Ope, I think I misunderstood you, my bad. Disregard my reply.)
What a world we’re living in!
Observing a technical deficiency in a robotics platform requires political considerations. Even when a car drives into a fucking wall at 40MPH on camera, people are asking about the camera man’s political party affiliation and not what’s wrong with the car.
Back when Elon made avoiding LiDAR a core part of his professional personality, it was fairly expensive. But as any tech genius can tell ya, component prices drop rapidly for electronics.
Now, radar is dirty cheap. Everything has radar. Radar was removed from Teslas. A radar sensor for my truck is $75, probably much less at scale orders.
LiDAR sensors cost anywhere from $500-$1,500 for a vehicle of this type, near as I can tell (this type being Level 2 autonomy rather than something like a Waymo. A well-kitted out self-driving vehicle has 4 LiDAR sensors).
Here is the LiDAR module currently used on the Mercedes S-Class, it’s $400 used: https://www.ebay.com/itm/285816360464
It’s a hideously small cost-savings in 2025 for a luxury vehicle like a Tesla. Any rational company would’ve reversed course after the first stationary-object-strike fatality. Tesla is not a rational company.
Someone else had an interesting take elsewhere on the thread, and that got me looking.
Here is that mural you’re looking for, it’s in South Carolina, took me like 60 seconds of searching to find one so I am sure there are others: https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/tunnelvision
Y’all excused, don’t sweat it! I sure did write the article you did not read. No worries, reading bores me sometimes, too.
Your take is one of the sillier opinions that I’ve come across in a minute. I won’t waste any more time explaining it to you than that. The test does not strike informed individuals as pointless.
Haha, oncoming train? You’d be lucky to avoid a slow-rolling freight train at a clearly lit crossing in a Tesla using FSD.
Case in point:
“If you’re hearing this, you are the MEEP MEEP!”
EPA is going to investigate him for criminal fraud on Monday, I reckon.
It’s dirt cheap, too. If this was a cost-cutting measure, it was a thoroughly idiotic one. Which feels like the mark… of a certain someone I can think of
Blew the whole budget on the Tesla, didn’t have any money left over for sand XD