• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • They’ve all been mentioned, but I want to second my favorites of all time

    • Pyre
    • DDLC
    • You me and Her a love story
    • Slay the Princess

    My roommate just finished ‘Until Then’ last night and she was crying her eyes out, so I know it’s gonna be good, I just haven’t played it yet.

    Edit: I almost forgot Tsukihime! It’s great with a few different routes that wildly change what the story is about, so highly recommended!

  • Exactly! ‘My headphones are so quiet now, could the speaker be dying?’ is something we got all the time. Most of the time when people clean their headphones, all the do is take a wipe or a brush (if you’re lucky alcohol) and clean the outside of the mesh. Half the time all they’re doing is pushing earwax through the mesh so you get a nice little wax puck when you open them up.

    It’s gross, but it did feel good to be able to tell people they didn’t need new headphones, we just cleaned them for $15.

  • Okay, so I’ll preface this by saying I don’t know enough about StarTrek Voyager to give an educated opinion and I do know where I’m posting, but I am an avid Zerg fan so I’ll throw in my 2 cents.

    Now Starcraft obviously does not include the USS Voyager in its list of units, but it does have a large deep space exploration unit called the Battle cruiser. Battle cruisers are massive ships housing between 4000 and 7000 crew, dwarfing the 150 that the USS Voyager is reported to have on the wiki.

    Kerrigan of course has access to all kinds of psyonic powers herself, but most importantly she controls the zerg as (mostly) mindless drones. Her most valuable unit in this exchange would likely be a Corrupter as they are powerful air to air combat units. Corrupters are relatively cheap and fast to produce meaning she can create dozens of them in just a small time, and it takes about 5 to destroy one battle cruiser.

    The USS Voyager being smaller than a battle cruiser could be seen as a strength instead of a weakness when it comes to out maneuvering the relatively slow corrupters, but they have an ability (aptly named Corruption) that allows them to lock a unit in place, unable to move, completely nullifying any benefit it would recieve from maneuverability.

    One thing I would say in favor of the USS Voyager in this fight is range. Corrupters attack by spitting some kind of acidic goo at the target which in space wouldn’t necessarily effect the range, but it would have a travel time. Because of this, a kiting patten of dodging shots and staying far away, while returning accurate at distance laser fire would likely be a winning strategy as long as they could keep it up.

    All in all I guess what I’m trying to say is I think this fight would be a lot closer than some commenter are saying, and this was very fun to think about :)

    TLDR : If Janeway stays far away, she could win, if the zerg catch up to her, she will lose (imo)