I know what your talking about. Im older and have not done it in awhile. I have to know I could sleep in the next day and even on weekends thats a rarity for me. Combined that with the years of the 8-6 workweek and your body gets hammered into this unnatural cycle where sleeping when your tired is not longer a thing. But yeah in the past I remember doing something like this. I don’t think I ever did it real intentionally. At least I did not plan to do it. Actually scratch that. At cons I would try to stay up until I literally couldn’t. That was different though. I would literally go into the con and be like. Im going to try and not sleep this whole con. The conversation at 3 or 4 in the morning or hitting the hot tub just as it opens. So awesome. Still I did do it sometimes just by being up and doing things I like and it was like an aversion to going to sleep. I just did not want to do it until I had to. Wanted to stave it off forever. In some ways its akin to the feeling of kinda waking up but not wanting to wake and just wanting to sleep forever but in reverse.
can you give an example of robotic surgery done independently by a machine and not a doctor???