• 34 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • I have two takes on this.

    When I was an avid climber, the consensus was, “Those who free solo, die by free solo.” So I think this isn’t an unpopular opinion, given non-climbers got to think it’s stupid. I think it’s just we love to spectate on that risky adventure.

    Personally I have never and won’t in the future ever climb free solo but I joined people do it and my heart was racing like crazy. Imagine wittnessing a death. In my personal opinion it’s stupid. People do it because they think it makes them special. Having some type of safety measures wouldn’t effect the sport.

    Does he still do free solos? If yes, he has children and a wife. That is the point where I have no respect for him or any other person. If you only got yourself and no family - fine. Do whatever. But if you have a family and people down there that love you - why should you continue to do that? You don’t need to feel more alive. You already proved the world you can and it’s okay. Instead he still goes up there without safety eventhough safety measures exist - for a reason.

    If someone can climb what this dude can climb I wouldn’t have less respect for what he achieved just because he has a rope attached to him. I personally couldn’t care less. He can climb with a rope and if he falls start again until he finishes the climb without a drop and call it a day. Maybe his family members could then go in a Sauna during his climb instead of living in anxiety during his climb.

    But well, I understand it. You feel alive blablabla. It’s like playing hardcore in action role play games but well, those are just games and if you die fine start again. This brings me to my next critic: if you fall, someone is going to have to clean you up. Thats not fair. I’m glad no one I love solo free climbs or does any other extreme sport and if I knew someone who does it on a regular basis that I love I would try to love this person less so the loss in case an accident happens won’t hurt as much.

    Anyways great climber. In my eyes it’s still pathetic because he doesn’t need to prove he can do those climbs without a rope…


    This video above is with Alex and Magnus and well what should I say… crazy.

  • As a meat lover I wish I didn’t like meat and could start living vegan, or atleast vegetarian.

    Where I am from I am always confronted with good local and expensive meat and if I just want to buy bananas I gotta walk past a Schnitzel, Hähnchen, Leberkäs Stall. I maid it a week but then I gave up, again.

    I am aware that I am part of the problem and that animals that have good conditions etc. shouldn’t be eaten. I am weak.

  • I pay taxes in Germany, I earn about 40.000 € a year. So I don’t know.

    I tried the IRS homepage but my english isn’t good enough to file taxes. I don’t understand much.

    I am 35 years old and the lady that gave me my american passport tried to explain to me that I don’t have to sign up for selective service anymore, I am too old lol. I didn’t understand much of what she explained but she said: “it’s fine don’t sign up for it it’s for young people” and sent me out of the embassy in munich.

    I work since I am 17 years old in germany and got the information that I am american citizen when I was about 32 (first time in america) I tried to enter with my german passport. The people at the airport told me I am american and need a passport. I didn’t know until then.

  • I pay taxes in Germany, I earn about 40.000 € a year. So I don’t know.

    I tried the IRS homepage but my english isn’t good enough to file taxes. I don’t understand much.

    I am 35 years old and the lady that gave me my american passport tried to explain to me that I don’t have to sign up for selective service anymore, I am too old lol. I didn’t understand much of what she explained but she said: “it’s fine don’t sign up for it it’s for young people” and sent me out of the embassy in munich.

  • I told him two times that he can come over but nothing ever happend. My mom said that he told her that he doesn’t come cause gas is to expensive.

    But it’s weird cause he can come over to our town and park his car at the house but leave to his friends and party. My mom said he was at the bank but didn’t bring his son so she could watch for the kid in that time. He left without stopping by even though he saw my mother was at home (her car was next to him).