• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • So what should we do? Avoid all monetized information sources? I don’t pay for YT except with my time until I can skip an ad. But if you stop and think no information source is free. Libraries - over inflated taxes on an already middle to lower class that can’t afford the luxury tax breaks the ultra rich can buy, the internet - if it’s a free site then it’s selling your data skimmed from accessing the page. So what should we be supporting? Where should we be sharing and consuming knowledge in a 100% no cost to the user atmosphere?

  • Great. You have one YouTube video to base an entire argument off of. Look of body cam footage of OIS, look up security camera footage of self defense shootings, learn something about the matter before you watch one clip on the internet before you come on here and advocate for lethal noisemakers. No duh people run from gun fire. There are also countless court cases and documented investigations where a single person continued to assault an individual after taking 40+ rounds to vital organs throughout their bodies.

    Can you predict the future? Do you know what kind of person is going to break into your home? Is that person of a sound mind? Is that person high on some substance that takes them so far out of reality and their body it’s as if they have super human strength? The answer is you don’t know. Limiting these tools for responsible citizens endangers their lives. Again, I am for gun control. But responsible gun control that is thought out and not implemented out of fear mongering and panic voting.

  • Pot calling the kettle black. Unlike you, I have read the bill. I knew what I voted for when I chose not to support Measure 114. You asked me to hand you supporting evidence for my viewpoints on a silver platter, I don’t do that for keyboard warriors such as yourself. If you’d like to show your interested in a legitimate discussion by showing some sort of fact from your way of looking at it I’m happy to look at it. Your sarcastic claim that I “obviously want you to agree with me” is grotesquely mistaken and again keyboard warrior click bait. Good luck with your journey, you obviously have nothing further to offer.

  • Sooooo a firearm was a tool used to defend their home. Because the homeowner knew their target. One of four basic firearm safety rules. Huh.

    Their intention was not to “create sound.” Aren’t you proving my point? A well armed homeowner successfully defended their home? Nobody should EVER use the sounds of gunshots to deter anybody from any action. It’s irresponsible and an unsafe firearm ownership practice. Period.

    It’s people like you who jeopardize the Second Amendment Rights of responsible firearm owners all across this country.

  • You obviously don’t understand firearms and this is not the place to educate you on them. I am proud of you for questioning stats on the internet, now go and research them for yourself. Use medical journals as your sources. Or university studies. Wikipedia, Tik Tok and the likes don’t count.

    As far as the car dealership analogy you’ve missed the point. To even begin the conversation you have to have an extra certification. I’m not talking about your driver’s license. And again I am pro gun control.

    As for the AR’s 30 round mag. Research, again through academic sources, the history and purpose of the AR and you’ll understand it’s not a “weapon of mass destruction.” The 30 round capacity is misleading to the firearms capabilities.

    Thank you for your perspective I wish you luck in your educational journey!

  • I’m sorry but you don’t know what you’re talking about. I feel bad life experiences have led you to feel the way you do but you simply don’t know the truth. I can over another example of calling 911, being placed on hold for 15 minutes, bounced around dispatch centers three times and then finally connected to the correct one and then waiting on scene of a fentanyl overdose for 45 minutes because the nearest available officer, again in a major city, was the only one who could respond.

    These are the decisions of people voting to cut funding. This has nothing to do with police unions, who are funded directly out of the police officers paychecks by the way. If you’d like to discuss police reform, which this country does need, I’d be happy to do that on another forum but this discussion is about gun control. My point with mentioning the police was that we as private citizens are facing fewer and fewer options to protect ourselves. Thank you for your perspective.

  • That’s your choice. But when it comes to gun control, opposition typically approaches it in an adolescent manner. I’d be happy to hear your point of view and refrain from attacks on your intelligence, but I’d like to see fact based logic like I presented instead of fear based thinking like 99% of the posts on here. Most people read the article title and refused to research further. That’s the point I was proving. People need to think about critical issues before sounding off and impacting lives. Whether it be attacking our pro choice rights, telling someone they can’t marry who they love, or limiting what can be read in a school. Ignorance and fear govern the decisions of the masses.