• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Nah, they never had a need to build big fancy nests when they were in their natural habitat. Now many of them live in cities where they nest on the sides of buildings, which are very cliff like. I don’t think they’re a very intelligent bird, but the nest building behavior is instinctual, so I wouldn’t expect them to dynamically adjust their nest building.

  • I thought that feature was related to the expensive for pay Copilot feature? The recall feature listed a huge amount of space required for it to work, something like 275 GB, SSD. There is no way that’ll just be a baked in feature in normal home Windows. Am I wrong Lemmy? To be clear, that feature can F right off.

  • The stages in this game are pure nostalgia. It’s so fun to explore the nooks and crannies of every stage, and look for secrets! With that being said, wave/tower defense is a huge waste for a main game type. You’re limited to how many deployables you can select to have available, only 3 at a time. Then you get coins from killing enemies, and spend the coins trying to keep your defenses up to protect the hypercores. Getting overwhelmed is pretty easy, and having your defense crumble, and not have enough money to fix them up is also common. Also, selecting 3 deployables to have available can hamstring you due to selecting say, a spike trap, defense walls, and a ground turret would leave you at a disadvantage if there are air enemies and you didn’t select the Anti-Air deployable.

    Over the last year or two they finally added a free-roam so you can at least enjoy exploring the lovingly crafted stages. I think they just missed an opportunity to make something more akin to Toy Commander for Dreamcast, rather then a wave based tower defense game.