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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023


  • Olsteen

    Houston native spotted. I’m so sorry.

    But this behaviour isn’t really new - I used to work at the Whole Foods on Kirby, which caught fire back in… god, 2012 or so? And someone drove up WHILE THE FIRE WAS STILL BLAZING, was informed that the store was closed, and legitimately responded, “But where am I gonna get my coconut water?”

    They may be more mask-off about it now, but it’s always been a thing.

  • I feel this pretty acutely. But I’ve tried to change the way I approach it. When I randomly remember my cringe moments, and I start feeling like I’m going to be obsessing, I try to think about how I’d react if it was a friend of mine telling me about some stupid thing they did forever ago instead of me. That can be enough sometimes for me to stop and say (sometimes out loud, it helps) “That was forever ago and yeah, it was stupid, but you learned.” And it helps. I can’t always move past it, but it seems like it works more often than it doesn’t. If that makes sense.

    Yeah, you did some stupid shit. But guess what! If you did it more than 7 years ago, biologically speaking you’re technically a whole-ass different person now. I don’t know if this will help anyone, but I hope it does.

  • I’m only tangentially familiar with this, and more information may have come out lately, but I don’t think the above comment was related to anything he’s done in film lately.

    Recently Tenacious D did a show (shortly after a shooting at a Trump rally) and Kyle Gass was presented with a birthday cake. He is reported to have said “Please don’t miss next time” before blowing out the candles. Jack Black has stated that all plans and tours for Tenacious D have been put on hold indefinitely and that he was “completely blindsided” by this move from Kyle. Some fans have themselves claimed to be blindsided by Jack’s response, arguing that he should have had Kyle’s back.

    I tried to relay that with as little bias as possible, but I am no journalist. For my part I understand cancelling tours - saying that kind of thing tends to put a target on your back for people with more guns than brain cells, but I think cancelling EVERYTHING Tenacious D related may have been a step too far. Also, again, more information may have come out since I read about this.