Y’all are straight up gnoshing those taters raw??
Y’all are straight up gnoshing those taters raw??
lol just looking at the account tells you everything you need to know
Oh so now you’re concerned about where your orders come from and why
Time to take back all those jobs you claimed were being stolen from you then eh? How sad that the “adults” are offering up children as their solution to a problem of their own making.
I hate knowing that there are a lot of stories like this one :( this country does not care for its people like it could.
This is exactly why I cannot fathom how some people are choosing to be apathetic about what’s happening to their neighbors. You see that in your neighborhood and you think you have anything to offer that will satisfy the hunger of capitalists turned fascists? Our lives are nothing more to them than another resource to exploit and bleed dry.
Hadn’t heard of SRA before and this org is a massive resource for information. Thanks for link!
It’s hard to encourage others to put on their “critical thinking cap” when some of them (okay probably the vast majority) have been unknowingly influenced by this kind of media manipulation for so long. I have a hard time knowing how to bring it to people’s attention without sounding like a broken record myself. I think critical thinking has simply become unattractive to a lot of people cause it takes more time and effort than they’re accustomed to. It’s easier to blindly trust and if it hasn’t killed me so far, how could it possibly be bad?
They probably don’t even teach kids in school to read multiple news sources or how to check for reporting bias anymore.
In any case, your suggestions to help community and watch actions over words are important ones that I try to encourage in those around me as well. Enough to reiterate in caps:
LISTEN TO AND SUPPORT YOUR NEIGHBORS! They will be the first ones you hear from when your community is being threatened. Either we can all be allies against the regime together or we can let it infest our communities through distrust and let it ruin us. Fascism ain’t no joke.
Took the time to read the whole thread you referenced and it was worth the time imo. Also took me too long to realize it’s from 10 fuckin years ago… we’re undoubtedly reaping our “reward” from the apathy and ignorance at that time about how these tools could be used to influence the general populace through just social media and consumer data. Womp womp :(
“Failing to plan is planning to fail”
Systemically oppressing its people is what the US is built on
Aye, fascism doesn’t believe in law or justice. Just power.
Oof. Sounds like too many of the people I know in the US :(
At first I thought this was some kind of meta meme
Edit: OP fixed it and now there is meme lol
As someone from the US, if researchers, scientists etc. want to leave, I’d much rather they go to countries who will actually value the work they do so this ain’t all bad
Seeing your posts really makes me want to pick up a lot of these games you’ve been playing. Tbh this is so much more effective to me than most modern game ads.
Needed the optimism and the chuckle, so thanks lol
Oh man an edit of this bag that replaces the text with “Deez Nuts” and the brand with “Gottem” would be prime
Might as well send some to us in the US too. Would rather this version of America goes away forever :(
Commitment I don’t have. Your strength is immense.