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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • I spent my first year of Linux installing a new distro, or same distro with a different DE probably every other week, sometimes more than once in a week. The Linux ecosystem rewards self starters with curiosity and the ability to search for answers.

    LearnLinuxTV is an amazing YouTube channel, high quality distro tours and reviews, as well as tutorials at various levels of mastery. ItsFOSS and Phoronix are great sources for Linux news that help you build some awareness and vocabulary. The official forums of almost every distro are extremely helpful places to find solutions to problems. You just kinda have to be motivated to seek out the answers you need as they arise.

  • Lefty gun owner here, and we haven’t done “nothing” but certainly not enough. Gun control advocates have always done things that feel good and do nothing to prevent violence. Magazine capacity bans (one columbine shooter had 14 ten round ban compliant mags) and bans on cosmetic features like heat shrouds and pistol grips do absolutely nothing to keep anyone safer. People will just train to be effective with pesky ban compliant features, or, you know, ignore the law.

    Michigan did something great in response to a school shooting. If a child or otherwise restricted person gains access to your firearms and harms someone, you get slapped with a major felony, a law that’s already been put to use a few times. So it basically makes a safe mandatory by placing the fear of a lengthy sentence on leaving your guns out for kids to grab. It’s something.

    Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing an actual proficiency test, one that weeds out the lowest common denominator. I have sought training and education consistently over years to participate in competitive shooting events, and I’ve literally shot with cops that I wouldn’t let clean their gun in my kitchen. The “test” for a concealed carry license is a joke, id like to see a true test of safety knowledge to even own a firearm.

  • I have various bags that get used for range trips and travel. I am METICULOUS about clearing the gun stuff out of a bag when I’m done. Same with my vehicle, as I cross an international border from time to time and don’t want my truck getting ripped apart. Every bit of gun stuff that goes in the truck on range day is accounted for and removed when I get home.

    The real answer is simple. These people are irresponsible fuckwits that give responsible gun owners a shitty name. You can see it every time you go to the range. People shooting the ceiling, people turning around with a pistol in hand and muzzling the whole room. There are a metric fuck ton of people with guns in the US that shouldn’t be considered qualified to own them.

  • That’s one thing I find particularly neat about Fedora, it has all of these software package groups that can be either added on at install, or installed at any time, including:

       3D Printing
       Administration Tools
       Audio Production
       Authoring and Publishing
       Books and Guides
       C Development Tools and Libraries
       Cloud Infrastructure
       Cloud Management Tools
       Container Management
       D Development Tools and Libraries
       Design Suite
       Development Tools
       Domain Membership
       Fedora Eclipse
       Educational Software
       Electronic Lab
       Engineering and Scientific
       FreeIPA Server
       Games and Entertainment
       Headless Management
       MATE Applications
       MATE Compiz
       Medical Applications
       Network Servers
       RPM Development Tools
       Security Lab
       Sound and Video
       System Tools
       Text-based Internet
       Window Managers

  • I got a laptop with a touch screen for a young kid in my family, installed Fedora Workstation with its native Gnome desktop, and touch worked great without any tinkering.

    Gnomes workflow is a big departure from windows, but with its gesture navigation on a trackpad, I think it’s a highly superior way to use a laptop. My desktop gets KDE Plasma, but if I had a laptop it would use gnome

  • Die. We will die. The only crutch that props up our massive jump from 1 billion pre industrialized society to our current 8 billion human beings on this planet, has been cheap and plentiful fossil fuel. Notably, it is the only thing that has allowed us to practice agriculture on a scale that supports our population growth. When it’s gone, there is nothing to replace it, short of a miracle fusion revolution.

    The average carbon cost to produce an electric vehicle is about 6 tons on average, not including the battery, about the same as an ICE vehicle. Where does the energy for auto manufacturing come from? Primarily coal and natural gas, with a sliver of insubstantial wind and nuclear power. About 7 barrels of oil go into each and every tire on the road (between expended energy and actual petroleum products in the tire). Charging the battery? Coal, natural gas, and the same trickle of alternative sources mentioned above.

    Speaking of those alternative energy sources, what do we use to make them? Building a nuclear power plant is likely the most carbon intensive process ever devised, from the machinery that moves the earth, to the foundry that makes the steel. As much as I’ve always wanted to believe in a cozy eco future, every time I squint a little I can see that it’s all just a coat of green paint over the same old oil field. The people trying to sell you on oil, and the people trying to sell you on alternatives to it, are doing the same thing. Selling you something. That’s all that matters to them.

    There is no feasible alternative that changes the outcome. There is no replacement for what has allowed us to create wonders and horrors beyond our ancestors wildest dreams, and sustain a population far beyond anything we could have achieved without fossil fuels. When oil finally becomes unproductive, so will the mechanisms that hold our current civilization together, and we will wind up back in 1810 if we’re lucky, or 400ad if we aren’t.

    Call me a doomer and downvote me or whatever. It doesn’t matter.

  • Union tradesman here, heavy industrial. The most I ever pulled in one week was 102 hours. It was for a time sensitive, round the clock, “once we start this we can’t stop until it’s done” kind of affair. Imagine two 12 hour shifts, but when you’d normally leave, you’d stay as long as you could to help get the night shift guys up and running.

    It only lasted the one week, and we all made an obscene amount of money, but any longer than that and I would have had to tell them I had to go back to my usual 60 hours. I had to force myself to stay sharp because there was dangerous shit that needed to be done, I couldn’t imagine 4 weeks of it. No one should be forced into it, even commuting home after work like that is dangerous.

  • And just like the history of Reddit, from being niche and obscure to being ubiquitous and heavily trafficked, everything gets horrible when it gets big. The enshittification eye of Sauron is always watching, waiting for anything to get good enough to ruin.

    No thanks, I’m a Linux user that is okay with being in the 2-4%. If it had a large market share, someone would find a way to capitalize on it. I’m also perfectly happy with my one and only form of social media staying small and cozy.