Languages: Français, English

Pronouns: They/them


  • 33 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Then they did some consultations with the public and said that not enough people wanted it.

    Worse than that, Trudeau straight up said “People wanted electoral reform because they were unsatisfied under the Harper government, now that we’re in power everything is fine and people don’t care about electoral reform anymore.”

    Source article in Le Devoir (French), I’ll quote the relevant part here:

    « Sous M. [Stephen] Harper, il y avait tellement de gens mécontents du gouvernement et de son approche que les gens disaient “ça prend une réforme électorale pour ne plus avoir de gouvernement qu’on n’aime pas”. Or, sous le système actuel, ils ont maintenant un gouvernement avec lequel ils sont plus satisfaits. Et la motivation de vouloir changer le système électoral est moins percutante [ou moins criante] »

  • A pedestrian being hit by a small car or big car is likely ruined either way.

    Vehicle size actually has a huge effect on the severity of vehicle-pedestrian collisions.

    I find that full-size SUVs and pickup trucks pose a particular danger for pedestrians. A pedestrian hit by a full-size SUV is twice as likely to die than a pedestrian hit by a car under similar circumstances, while being hit by a pickup truck rather than a car increases the death probability by 68%. I find that high-front-end vehicle designs are particularly culpable for the higher pedestrian death rate attributable to large vehicles. A 10 cm increase in the front-end height of a vehicle increases the risk of pedestrian death by 22%.

    Source study.

  • The 87-year-old pontiff reportedly made the homophobic remark in a closed-door meeting last week as he told Italian bishops that gay men shouldn’t be allowed to train for the priesthood.

    The newspaper articles, which were translated from Italian, claimed the Pope had said there is “frociaggine” – which translates in English to “faggotry” – in some of the seminaries.

    Francis’ comments were made in the context of proposals from the Italian bishops to amend guidelines on candidates to seminaries.

    “Faggotry in the Seminary” sounds like a Catholic-themed porno movie from the '80s.

    As gross and homophobic as this is, I doubt it cracks the top 1000 worse things the Church has done.

  • If I were you, I’d check around your area for a bike co-op. They often have great deals on used bikes they tuned up, so you’d save money and end up with something as good (or even better!) than entry-level hybrid models. Plus co-ops tend to be staffed by the hugest bike nerds who are sincerely eager to help new cyclists.

    If you’d rather buy new, I’d recommend an entry-level (starting at around 600$) hybrid from any of the big bike brands (this advice is a bit location-specific, I’m talking about North America here). I ride a Trek FX1, but all the big bike brands have similarly-featured models.

    Whatever you do, please stay away from cheap, big box store bikes. These are usually assembled by people who are not trained bike mechanics and shoddily assembled bikes can easily be dangerous. They also often have non-standard parts, making repairs and maintenance frustrating.