• 6 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 20th, 2024

  • I simply can’t wrap my head around the thought process behind launching a clusterfuck like this. Y Combinator probably didn’t do their due diligence and simply rode the fading AI Bubble, so I can at least understand how the funding might have been approved.

    But actively leaving your $250,000+/year job to team up with some questionable choices to basically fork two OS projects, change the discord links and generate an illegal licence for that shit show, all while proudly stating, publicly, “dawg i chatgpt’d the license, anyone is free to use our app for free for whatever they want. if there’s a problem with the license just lmk i’ll change it. we busy building rn can’t be bothered with legal” when they are made aware of the fact.

    This is absolutely insane, sounds like someone was about to get fired and decided to use some personal relations and fresh graduates to somehow successfully cash in one last time with absolutely no regard of even the basics. Pretty wild that those guys even managed to figure out how to found a Startup. Probably asked ChatGPT for instructions there, as well.

  • Great points.

    Regular solar cells with better efficiency are already are thing, even in a compact travel format or as a novelty part of some electric cars. Those are cheap to produce, but still aren’t practical at all, unless we’re talking about something like a 2m² solar panel to charge a phone in a somewhat reasonable time on a very sunny day in an off-grid situation.

    Using transparent solar cells additionally to regular ones in buildings instead of windows is pretty much the only reasonable application I can think of right now, but with a visible transmittance of 20% that’s kinda farfetched as well.

  • Das stimmt bei richtiger Verwendung schlichtweg nicht und es nützt niemandem, wenn man falsche Informationen herausposaunt. Wie auch im Artikel zu lesen, fand die timing attack auf üblichem Wege, gerade fürs deutsche Rechtssystem aber äußerst kontrovers statt:

    Zur finalen Identifikation verpflichtete das Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main schließlich den Provider Telefónica, unter allen o2-Kundinnen und -Kunden herauszufinden, wer von ihnen sich zu einem der identifizierten Tor-Knoten verband.

    Bei einer Timing Attack werden, wie der Name schon sagt, Zugriffszeiten und möglichst viele (Meta-)Daten zu bestimmten Paketen statistisch abgeglichen. So kann man auch ohne direkten Zugriff auf die Daten bei ausreichender Datenlage feststellen, wer mit wem kommuniziert.

    Hier wurde schlichtweg jeder o2 Kunde in Deutschland erstmal pauschal überwacht, ob er nicht mit einem bestimmten Server Kontakt aufnimmt. Um dem entgegenzuwirken, kann man natürlich erst einmal über einen (no log) VPN Provider gehen, um gar nicht erst zugeordnet werden zu können.

  • Random guy with no affiliation to crypto and only a vague understanding of monero from another instance here, who saw the post on /all.

    Most people stumbling over posts like this probably see yet another shady cryptocurrency and aren’t interested or even actively dislike it, resulting in downvotes. Calling people “grudgeful bitfags” and “overly-sensitive leftist fediverse dwellers” probably doesn’t help all that much either, neither do comments that attribute a general disinterest to a “very successful psyop by the CIA to make crypto look like a scam”.

  • I have an understanding of the underlying concepts. I’m mostly interested in the war driving. War driving, at least in my understanding, implies that someone, a state agency in this case, physically went to the very specific location of the suspect, penetrated their (wireless) network and therefore executed a successful traffic correlation attack.

    I’m interested in how they got their suspects narrowed down that drastically in the first place. Traffic correlation attacks, at least in my experience, usually happen in a WAN context, not LAN, for example with the help of ISPs.

  • Windows, as any operating system, is best run in a context most useful to the user and appropriate for the user’s technical level.

    • Need to run Windows apps/games and aren’t afraid to tinker around if and when something doesn’t work as expected or your software simply isn’t supported? WINE/Proton.
    • Need to run mostly light Windows apps and don’t want to tinker around? VM.
    • Need to run Windows apps/games that don’t rely on Kernel-Level Anti-Cheat, want direct hardware access and aren’t afraid to tinker around, especially if you only have one GPU, and when something doesn’t work as expected? KVM
    • Need to run any Windows app/game without things constantly breaking or the need to tinker around and staying on top of things? Dual-Boot from different disks, utilize LUKS/FDE and be done with it.

  • I do, there’s a whole team behind that channel and I’ve linked the second revision of their test. The first revision had some issues and they’ve gone ahead and fixed those to present a truly competent and unbiased testing.

    Personally, I’d still treat those as suggestions and, depending on your use case (especially considering convenience of setup and the need for special phone cases) and budget, there are a lot of cheaper options that work perfectly fine, as well. I’ve got a 10 bucks no-name screw clamp style phone mount on my city bike and it’s been rock solid. Wouldn’t trust it in a downhill setting, though.