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a defiant middle finger to the systems demanding compliance
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WW3 will be caused by shortage of eggs in US and they will invade every country and will take all eggs and hens. Mark my words
reddit mods are soft, i got banned too. They might need to grow a pair.
Musk got the point. I mean if you follow the leaders blindly without questioning if it’s right or wrong…
his eyes do look reptilian
yeah we can start making new communities and be admins ourselves because there is going be a hella lot clients
You cannot fight US with them
How does that movement look like for a viewer?
you just dont get it, do you? :DDD
dont let muzk to kontrolz yous
you are just into mario group, not gta, because every new gta is best selling game for a while.
I got banned for responding to r/unpopularopinion something about prisons, and said people in prisons should work everyday 9-5, forced labour, no excuses etc. And someone responded that prisoners working would not be safe because other prisoners could easily attack other prisoners and harm them. And i was like yeah so if anyone attempts to do that, should be shot on sight. Basically warned before entering 9-5 work to be given instructions that attacking other inmates is wrong and you will be shot on sight if attacked other prisoner. So basically that was it. I got banned, because i wanted to make prisoners work like the rest of us, normal society who are not punished for prison time.
Probably gta. It’s one of those games that is still alive and people are waiting for more. Not like super mario bros.
Oh. And I thought they were just a bunch of idiots to make it so obvious. I would love to read scamming for dummies book tbh if one exists
you say they misspell on purpose?
I think majority of people do not know what torrent streaming service is. But it’s fine because we can stream more freely.
Good for him. If I had money I would also probably invest.
That is exactly true. Life is only about 3 things: food, reproduction and dealing with boredom. Humans add so many colours to that, that it looks like we do more than those 3 things so that’s where you might see free will.