Dwight owns a massive amount of property with a working beet farm and B&B on it. He’s second only to Phyllis in wealth, who married into vast ‘refrigerator’ money. If anyone was going to take a promotion simply for the ego boost, it was him
It’s all fun and cute until your chilling gaming and then a 10lbs cannonball of fur and claws jumps on your shoulders and scares the everloving shit out of you. Still love it though
He’s back and posting fairly regularly again, and better news is that he finally got paid by Google!
This is the kind of dude that cannot figure why no one wants to hang out with him and thinks it’s gotta be everyone else that’s the problem, not him
Cuz OP forgot to switch to his other account
This post is so true. I work in local government in a state that has TONS of money, yet our systems to control the information for agents to determine if you keep your kids or not is still based on MS-DOS. it’s insane to see in 2023
From jersey too and it blows my mind how anyone around here will choose to go to jersey Mike’s or subway over their local deli