• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Cyyy@lemmy.worldtoReddit@lemmy.ml...
    3 months ago

    a lot did when the third-party kill happend. i mean, look at the current state of reddit. almost only bots and karma whores posting, but the real core community who really contributed content (bot just reposting stuff but creating it) is being less and less active.

  • learning something and being forced to eat and cook things are 2 things. teach the informations and knowledge self, that’s fine. but don’t force the cooking and eating.

    also just because it’s mandatory it don’t means it helps. i had it mandatory and still don’t eat more healthy. also they didn’t teached us really much. they printed out recipes, gave them to us and said “go”. i don’t need need a cooking course for that. teachers often themself can’t cook so expecting them to teach it is “ehhhh”.

    in my opinion it’s the job of parents to teach their kids cooking. not schools. parents cook daily anyway so they can teach their children at this times things.

  • the same. because it is something that shouldn’t get forced onto anybody. if I don’t want to so it, don’t force me to do it. it’s my body and if I don’t want to do it, leave me be. if you make it mandatory you generate a lot of mental stress like it did for me, even if its stuff you like.

    let’s be real : there is no perfect teacher and situation. its more likely you end up in situations like i did than in a good one. schools are known for the opposite of nice places with good teachers who are understanding and nice to you. every school i was in in my life was a shithole in terms of teachers and people who worked there.

    it’s one thing to make things like mathematics and language etc. mandatory… but cooking? if its basic knowledge alone okay. but not if its forced cooking and you have to obey what the teachers tell you to eat and cook. it’s one thing to give someone knowledge, another thing to force him to do and eat things he don’t want.

    if it’s not mandatory and the children can decide for themself, cool. do it. but not mandatory.

  • here in germany it was mandatory and they did force me to cook and eat things i didn’t eat. I’m vegetarian but they tried to force me to eat and cook it. i also don’t eat specific other things because i hate their taste and they forced me to eat this bs.

    fuck this “mandatory” courses. it’s not helping to live healthy. it’s forcing children to do stuff they don’t want to do and gives them bad grades for it. i got bad grades just because i was vegetarian and didn’t eat meat. fuck this.

    each week when we had cooking class it was a nightmare for me. i always jad to explain myself again and again to everyone. why I don’t eat meat. what my ethics and morals are. ever fucking week. and in the end they have me bad grades even after cooking their bs recipes. i just didn’t eat them. because obvious reasons. fuck this mandatory courses.

  • also the apps often have a lot of bugs or issues in general. i would love to use lemmy more, but Liftoff can’t even sort my profile comments by new. i click on it… nothing happens. and if i just quickly switch to another app (clicking a link that opens the browser etc), and come back… everything is reset and i have to search the post i was again etc.

    because such things i don’t use lemmy as often i would like…another issue is that lemmy isn’t supported on older browsers and the devs just tell you to update or get another one… yeaahh nah thanks. not gonna switch or destroy my browser (newer browser versions are often shitty… just look at chrome who nags you all the time) just because of lemmy. so… i wait for this issues to be fixed to then be able to use it more. before this happens, the user experience is just too frustrating.