• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.worldtoPeople Twitter@sh.itjust.worksThe optometrist
    7 days ago

    Is it actually hilarious? Did you fall out of your chair, laughing so hard you shit yourself? Or are you just performing for the internet, being the cool guy? Looking at your profile you’re trying hard to be “the smart guy”. Or you may just be a sad troll, lashing out in an attempt to foist some of your misery on those around you but also avoid the consequences of your actions. Hard to suss out with certainty but happy to keep fucking with you if you want to keep going.

  • You may be right a out that but I’ll keep trying. I’ve seen some truly egregious care provided by midlevels who were hired for primary care because hospital admins only care that midlevels can bill 80% of a physician but they only have to be paid a third of a physician salary. Unfortunately people aren’t able to differentiate between all the people in scrubs that they see so I recommend supporung Physician for Patient Protection , a great organization that lobbies against unsuper mid-level practice.

    And as for chiropractors? I have little against them except for neck adjustments and adjusting childre. Necks are fragile and so are the arteries in it and kids are the just straight up flexible, they don’t need placebos to feel better.

  • CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.worldtoPeople Twitter@sh.itjust.worksThe optometrist
    8 days ago

    I disagree with the use of doctor for anyone who hasn’t completed medical school and their field’s respective post-graduate training. I’ve seen the term watered down to the point that anyone tangentially related to a physician-led field uses the term. Chiropractors, nurse practitioner, administrators, etc. etc. It leads to confusion in patient populations. I’ve had patients in the ER tell me that their nurse practitioner was equivalent to me in temrs of training which is absolutely not the case. I finished 3,000 hours of clinical rotations by the end of med school and another 10,000 hours of training by the end of residency. Patients are lucky if an NP has 500 hours of clinicals before they’re hired to provide “primary care”. The training an optometrist has is specialized but not to the level of an opthalmologist so using the same term muddies the water and makes it difficult for people to discern the difference.

  • CrackaAssCracka@lemmy.worldtoPeople Twitter@sh.itjust.worksThe optometrist
    8 days ago

    An opthalmologist is an eye doctor. They go to medical school and do a residency for extra training. Optometrists have doctorates in optometry meaning they do four more years of school after their bachelor’s. They can call themselves doctor because in the US that’s the convention for doctorate’s (in Europe ony medical doctors use the term). There’s avast difference in intensity, depth, bredth, etc. of training between the two. It’s easy to miss the difference if you’re not familiar with the system.

  • Just bought a couple of their 4oz coffees, thanks for the suggestion. The Gera Honey dark roast I have high hopes for since I hate light roasts but I don’t really understand what the fuck they’re taking about on their product pages. All I understood was dark roast so I’ll giveit a shot.

    And on the total opposite side from the neo-African coffee roaster you suggested, Harrio has the hipsteriest hipster pictured on the Switch product page. Instantly made me hate the product with absolutely no basis for that opinion. Interesting dichotomy of suggestions, 9/10 would look at again.

  • I’m a casual D&D fan since my only exposure is from Not Another D&D Podcast but I think it adds to the overall story telling experience. Super charges the lows and highs if it’s a 1 or 20 especially on an important role. Does it break the game? Eh, not that I can tell and I’ve listened to hundreds of hours of the podcast. Though this is my opinion and not based on D&D rules, history, etc.

    I also highly recommend Not Another D&D Podcast if you like silly shit mixed with crass humor, some good emotional content, and players fucking with their DM.

  • Couple of things it could be:

    1. You locked your knees without realizing it, shut down the blood return from your legs, then had a drop in blood pressure due to decreased blood return to your heart causing you to pass out.
    2. You took a big hit, expanded your chest, held it, decreased blood flow through your thoracic cavity due to the increased intrathoracic pressure then a blood pressure drop as above.
    3. Your vasovagaled yourself somehow (bearing down on a held hit maybe or just due to weed effects) which is increased parasympathetic nervous system tone that drops blood pressure
    4. Some weird shit 🤷🏼‍♂️, the body can be odd and changes as we age so maybe you just can’t smoke weed now cause of the earlier mentioned weird shit

    I agree with your doc (I’m a family med physician), don’t smoke if all of a sudden you’re passing out.