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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2021


  • No, we’re not.

    The convention hasn’t happened yet.

    Finally, the logic is simple. Biden is a genocidal fascist. If you’re afraid that we will live in a fascist state if Trump is elected, then my answer is we already do.

    If Trump is elected and goes full fascist, what do you plan on doing? Whatever it is, you should already be doing it.

    Are we supposed to be so virtuous that we allow Republicans to kill all of us just so we die with the Palestinians that no matter who we elect will die!? It makes absolutely no sense.

    Resisting fascism and genocide isn’t about virtue. It’s about survival. You’ve been conned into believing that if you just vote for the lesser genocidal fascist, then you or whatever oppressed group you identify with will be fine. You will not.

    This well known poem

    First they came for the Communists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Communist
    Then they came for the Socialists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Socialist
    Then they came for the trade unionists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a trade unionist
    Then they came for the Jews
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Jew
    Then they came for me
    And there was no one left
    To speak out for me

    is about you.

  • Count042@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldYep
    7 days ago

    The Presidency is mostly a sock puppet for the military industrial complex. We aren’t catching lightning in a bottle there.

    So, just to be clear, in matters involving the military industrial complex, both parties are the same?

    Like the original post is asking to be reminded about in a snarky fashion obviously trying to imply that there is no way they’re the same?

  • Count042@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldYep
    7 days ago

    Which party do I vote for that stops spending money on weapons or war?

    Or, at the very fucking least, spent less money on weapons or war than the year before?

    EDIT: I notice all the downvoters don’t actually respond to a point in which both parties are the same that literally drives a lot of the domestic issues we have.

    Stop defending murdering people in other countries. It’s also pretty racist as most of those people are not white.

  • You weren’t paying attention. Many states banned anyone else from the ballot, even though there wasn’t cause for that by the rules.

    There were no debates (Something that would have given Democratic party members time to decide if they thought Biden was electable.)

    Some states were told their delegates wouldn’t count.

    There was no fair Democratic Party primary. If you think there was you were either not paying attention, or you didn’t want a fair primary in the first place.

    This problem is a problem of the Democratic Part{EDIT}y’s own making.

  • The situation is not static at all.

    Hezbollah has significantly improved upon their capabilities during that time period. Also, as a corollary to this, weapons technology in general has significantly advanced in a form that brings various capabilities to state actors that didn’t use to have the tech or financial base to support them.

    Guidance systems, avionics, electronics, and drones are changing the face of warfare in a way that removes a lot of the tech advantages rich nations had over poorer nations. But, the richer nations (And this isn’t just about Israel, but most of the western states) are sticking their heads in their sand because their weapons manufactures are used to being used more for laundering tax payer money to the right people then for making great weapons. The main drones for the US cost between 30-40 million EACH!

    Furthermore, Israel is going through all of the copium that settler colonialist societies go through when their martial superiority is starting to come into question. They clutch harder to their beliefs that make them feel secure. Israel withdrew in 2006 and declared themselves victors when it was obvious that they were not victors at all. Now, that is all that Israel remembers about 2006. That they won. That is what they truly believe.

    There are a lot of delusions that are about to break here. That is why I say that if they try with Hezbollah, that it will be a ‘Find Out’ stage.

    EDIT: Also, people tend to use the wrong measurement for what they consider to make an army strong. One of the most important factors is a willingness for a military to take causalities. There are very few armies stronger than Hezbollah by this measurement, whereas Israel has been very weak on this front since the early 2000’s. Having a conscript army will do that.