🇲🇽 (@nocheztli:genzedong.xyz)

  • 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 26th, 2021


  • Very interesting interview indeed. It reminds me of the book The Last Soviet Republic: Alexander Lukashenko’s Belarus. So many points are brought in the discussion, specially the history, economics and security issues. Belarus managing to keep many part of the soviet system is for sure an achievement, as it prevented its destruction, like what happened in the other post soviet republics. Certainly, that’s why I’ve seen Belarus still getting called a socialist system, in spite of its particular set of contradictions. Its market socialism having been presented as an alternative to China’s SWCC doesn’t mean a competition in socialisms, but rather a different model which we should be studying, not just for its failures and pitfalls but also its victories. And this synergy between both forms of socialism is again brought to the table by Mironchik in regards to its industrial capacity ib relation to both Russia and, specially, China. I also remember at one point of the book the author talks about how Lukashenko has been weary from the beginning about military escalation with Poland (being a NATO member and such) and it seems he sees conflict with Poland as a real possibility, if not inevitable. Looks to me like the comment was not just speculation at the time of the book, and now Mironchik confirms that Belarus has indeed been preparing for a potential conflict, specially given the history of the reactionary governments of Poland placing a target on Belarus and Ukraine. Having nukes is a sure way to avoid getting invaded and cut in half again.

  • Maybe people like Second Thought, JT has this modern consumable format that makes it really easy to get a basic introduction into socialism and revolutionary ideas. Adjacent but a bit more dense on that stuff is Hakim. Both of them and their show The Deprogram with Yugopnik I think are truly an amazing introduction to socialism and revolutionary anti capitalism theories. They are very basic stuff, but it is intentional so that they communicate easily the point without getting bogged down in the more nuanced parts of the theory. As a starter I would pick that.

  • Not too long ago here in Mexico news appeared about some narcos with weapons (apparently ATGMs or some similar stuff) that supposedly were originally supplied to Ukraine from one of the nordic countries. Don’t know if the story made it to international outlets, but if it’s true the blowback is already here. I can only imagine the kind of shit is going to go down throughout the rest of europe once the equipment and training the most deranged members of the AFU start bleeding into Borrel’s beloved “garden”.

  • This image is so funny to me because it shows just how much of a puppet Zelensky actually is. He doesn’t really know what he is doing there, he just knows what role he is supposed to play as the actor he is. Even those criminals of NATO have combined centuries of experience on their role as the armed forces of the ruling classes of the West, and then there’s this clown that at least can memorize his script. I feel a little pity for him, his fate will be ending up dead, shot by either a russian soldier or, in my opinion most likely, an ukronazi firing squad.

  • I’m currently in incredible awe by the absolute decadence and luxury the mexican bourgeoisie lives in. I mean, I know they are opullent, but just watched some videos on TikTok of the kind of places they live in and holy shit! I will never in my life be able to afford even the cheapest one. The comfort and luxury these people live in is something that make even my wildest fantasies come out short. I was thinking that if I ever get to movw out of my mother’s house and live in a modest and moderately comfortable place some day that would maybe be too much. I sometimes feel guilty of wanting to live like that in a country with so much inequality, but these parasites are literally galaxies beyond what I could even dream. It is impressive, disgusting, outrageous, depressing. I don’t know how I really feel about that. Amusement? Hate? Rage? Hopelesness? Don’t know.