Look ma, no hands!
Look ma, no hands!
This… I know that my views aren’t the majority, but man do I love this platform and how people actually will have a legit conversation about issues.
The people who are over emotional and stirring the pot don’t get the same support here. Most just want the truth and to actually talk. I love this!
I watched a play that told me that fairies exist and people could fly, if you’re basing your argument off plays and stoics, you may want to reevaluate the world.
You’re under the belief that legitimacy exists. No one who controls another humans nature holds legitimate authority. Period. It’s all power dynamics and power is achieved by force.
I’ve also got soularr linking my Lidarr to soulseek, but I’m running mine all through plex and plex amp. How is navidrome?
Also, have you solved finding a VPN that you can port forward? I’m struggling
Soulseek. Its the way to go honestly
Laws do not need to be moral, logical, rational, or even reasonable. Most laws are made out of rage or political will.
International law is made out of the latter two; and enforced only by the winning agent of a state on state conflict. Anything else is political sabre rattling.
Even most national laws are all teeth no bite, and exist only for the perception of control and order.
If police can’t enforce laws, and you have an immoral populace, you have chaos. If police can’t enforce laws with force and violence, it degrades into tyranny as the people retake control with violence.
The world revolves around control and violence. Laws, judges, white wigs and gowns are all a perception of control in a world of savages. Anyone who thinks otherwise is sitting in a world of privilege.
Might is right. If you doubt me, ask how many war crimes the United States has been charged with, Russia, etc… then look up the number of people killed by the Nazis vs the communists. Totally off topic, but if you doubt that, and it’s your first time, Patton was right, we should have kept going.
This is actually how it works in some places in Canada. It’s a very effective system.
Or maybe my algorithm is a lot more wholesome because of how I spend my time? Like, I asked a genuine question. I have still never seen any evidence of it. This is a great place to learn and I’d love to check my biases, but you’re not gonna fix a problem people don’t know exist, and you most certainly aren’t going to do it by reacting the way you did.
I never once insulted you, and asked a genuine question and you threw a tantrum lmao
You’ve got some problems dude. Get help… sweating and getting emotionally charged on a forum thread isn’t healthy or normal.
Sounds like you’re projecting your experience from a space of limited heuristics. I’ve never once in my entire life heard someone wish gay people were dead.
I think you may want to surround yourself by better people. I think I’d be hard pressed to find anyone like that where I live.
The best part is if you look at the table below it, it increases for the next two years before COVID.
Stats can is like the worst org for posting cherry picked segments of info lol
Source? That’s news to me
The report by the actual department responsible for it. They’re definitely not level nor down, other than COVID blips which affect all stats everywhere for almost everything… Stats can often underreports:
Neat summary and comparison of the trend:
The interpretation of whether that was police brutality or not, or a genocide or not are the exact things that are radical.
I mean I won’t open that can of worms too much deeper, and I’ll let this one lay down to rest
I clearly missed something, who is doing that?
I wish I could find it, but I can’t remember which research paper I came across it for; however there is a routine survey and report that measures how Americans feel about core values over time with no changes in the questions, and what it’s shown is that conservatives have moved a little bit more right of centre on most issues, but that liberals have moved almost entirely to the far left.
The thing is, the whole point of liberalism is to consistently move the needle of progress. So it baffles me people fail to realize that today’s “normal” leftist ideologies a decade ago were those people you’re mentioning. But to someone who is still fighting those ideals and hasn’t changed their stance at all, they are still radical ideals.
Im Canadian, I don’t consider free healthcare radically left, or left at all really. There needs to exist some social supports, and healthcare is the bare minimum. We don’t go far enough here.
I see a radical as someone who uses extreme language, proposes violent actions toward instituting their ideals, or condones or excuses physical violence on others because of their ideals. Even using cancel culture, or ban culture are ultimately just attacks on freedom of expression to me and would be considered radical by this definition.
If it makes you feel better, that’s the way it is in most countries. The US is actually the oddball letting unelected bureaucrats run a portion of the executive branch. In Canada for example, we don’t even vote for our prime minister, and they hold absolute executive power with only symbolic cheques and balances (whom they appoint and dismiss) which a federal judge just confirmed during a hearing on proroguing our parliament. So, as bad as it seems, it could be worse. We aren’t even allowed to share non canadian news unless the platform has an exclusive agreement with the news outlet to compensate them.
Trump may sound like a dictator, but at least he actually CAN be removed and was voted in. Our last prime minister threw a tantrum and had to have people convince him to step down, because there was no other legal way to remove him, and anyone who tried he just kicked out of cabinet.
The fact that you can see that things are messed up means you have more freedom than you may think. Most Canadians think things are fine here, while we have the highest number of Canadians ever going to food banks, and a billionaire just took over as PM without an election, and is currently polling to win the election he called because well he’s a billionaire in a poor country and can just buy the victory.
The biggest argument so far against Trump “you voted for a billionaire and you thought he cared about you” is a valid one, and yet we’re doing it here like lemmings.
All I can say is I hope the world changes fast.