• 8 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • The Russians are such fucking whiners. They’ve been importing weapons from several countries and using them in Ukraine for two years but when Ukraine does it then suddenly it’s a big fucking problem.

    It’s like your brother punching you several times an hour for two years straight and when you finally slug them back they lose their shit and start threatening to cave your skull in with a bat.

    Fuck 'em. If they didn’t want the smoke they should have stayed home.

  • Nothing to do with the Mexican govt.

    I’m interested to know how the Mexican Government, who also had / has the trace data, is bound by the Tiahart Amendment.

    I know it’s going to be an unpopular opinion but I really see no problem with the Tiahart Amendment shielding Firearms Manufacturers and Gun Stores. The Manufacturers are already regulated and monitored directly by the Federal Government and Gun Stores can only make sales in compliance with Federal Law. They should not be culpable in either Criminal or Civil court for that reason. The truth is that most of the organization who want that data aren’t working in Good Faith and only want it so they can launch lawsuits meant to force Manufacturers and Sellers out of business.

    It gets even worse at the individual level. There is absolutely zero cause for firearm transaction records to an individual to be publicly available. It’s not only a gross violation of privacy but it’s also a security concern.

    What you SHOULD be mad about is why the BATFE, who clearly and provably does have this data, isn’t doing something with it. They already know literally everything in this article and yet they don’t seem to be doing much about it. Why?

  • like say Wyoming that has nothing interesting going on whatsoever and mostly comprised of small population towns.

    Billion Dollar Solar Projects, FAANG DCs popping up like mushrooms, world leading rare earth mineral discoveries, billion dollar wind farms, world first carbon sequestration projects, world class fly fishing, the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone National Park. Yup, you’ve got us figured out all right. There’s nothing going on here at all. 😆😆😆

  • The phrase “flyover state” is a pejorative used by coastal dwellers. It’s a put down and every person I’ve ever interacted with who uses it is a bigot or an enormous douche-canoe; often both.

    Chain restaurants like these are the main game in town due to low wages and much lower population density.

    I’d contest that, the smaller the city or town the less likely they are to have these kinds of chain restaurants. A place with a population of 60,000 may only have a handful of chain restaurants and anywhere with less than 30,000 may not have any at all. In my experience the smaller the population the higher the number of mom and pop restaurants.