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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • pourquoi on se passerait du mec qui a fait 22% aux présidentielles

    Ça m’a toujours semblé nimpossible d’interpréter ce qui se passe aux urnes avec notre système de vote, mais perso j’avais voté de façon purement utilitaire. Mon contre argument à ça c’est que Glucksman est sorti en tête de la gauche aux européennes et qu’on laisse la droite centrer le debat à propos de NFP sur LFI, alors que pour le coup on a une expression des électeurs.

    La gauche sans Mélenchon et LFI elle a gouverné il n’y a pas longtemps, c’était un désastre.

    Ça pour moi c’est le même argument que “de toutes façon c’est toujours la merde, au moins le RN on a jamais essayé”. Alors j’ai pas spécialement d’argument appuyant que chonchon serait un mauvais dirigeant, mais ça c’en est pas un non plus. En plus ça découpe la gauche de façon très bizarre : Mélenchon et les autres.

  • I think there was some ethical drama in his company a while ago, which might have been recently answered 🤷‍♂️

    I personally didn’t like the very few videos I saw of him, it looked like g@mer consumerist obsessions. The latest I saw was about the last Fairphone release and he was very critical about what I’d call very reasonable design choices, like capping the screen to 60Hz instead of max 90 by default, or having to turn the phone off to swap SD card. This video felt like it was not an honest criticism or intended to a very niche audience (eg. hot swapping SD cards might be critical in the eyes of someone producing video content).

  • Yeah, I think these stats are bs, some people are also debunking the taco bit.

    According to Wikipedia, France is about 40% of the European market and I don’t think Japanese read much western comics, so I don’t think that’s what we talk about.

    In my perception this French anomaly comes from two factors :

    1. There was a French TV segment in the 90s called “club Dorothé” that imported a lot of Japanese animation, initially because it was cheaper that producing or importing other TV shows. This got a whole generation addicted to mangas and now it’s just part of culture.
    2. There is an actual cultural proximity between France and Japan, the most obvious part being the obsession about food.