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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 20th, 2024


  • Its because they ran into the loudest, most annoying vegans.

    IDK how, maybe different areas have more militant vegans, or maybe they just roll with negative stereotypes and the algorithm bs that lets the worst folks float to the top of their media feeds.

    I’ve actively sought out vegans because they have great advice on dietary restriction resources and as long as you’re respectful of their choices, they’ve been consistently so willing to share.

    And they also really love a good breakfast, in my experience, like the local vegan group has just pages of discussion on good vegan donut resources.

  • Hey, thanks so much for doing this.

    There’s a couple people in my life I’ve really, really worried about, but who put off actually doing anything responsible with their firearms while they were/still are going through such inner turbulence.
    Its weighed on them, and even though I’ve tried to be respectful about how I express my concerns, I worry that my being concerned weighs on them, too, but it means so many things- having to admit to problems, face them, call attention to them, face financial repercussions, etc.

    I don’t know you, but I’m so extremely proud of you.

    This is one of those things that should be common sense behavior, but is actually an incredibly difficult action to take. It says so much of you as a person.

    Even if you can’t be Happy, being a person with that kind of integrity is something you should allow yourself to appreciate.

  • I just had something like this happen when I was posting a macaroni recipe on Discord.

    Folks assumed I was posting some bad stuff because Discord used recipes when they censor vile and virus-laden links, apparently.

    Who knows how long people thought I was posting bad stuff; I love sharing recipes x.x

  • Just to let you know, the whole thing where you look back on every little thing you do and cringe won’t magically go away when you’re an adult.

    That’s a self-esteem thing, not a teenager thing.

    I guess what I’m saying is that this is one of those things that can get better, but won’t just magically get better on its own. It didn’t get better for me until I got some control in my physical health (stuff that would affect my perspective) and took agency in my mental health.

    If you’re in the situation to do so, check out what kind of therapy resources are available to you. You can just try a bunch until you find one that really clicks, and a lot offer free brief consultations.
    Many employers offer 4-10 free visits for any immediate family members/offspring, too!

    I’m sorry you feel so critical of yourself all the time. Its so draining to live like that.