Armok: God of Blood

  • 10 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Hexbear is a instance run by tankies that spread their shit ideology and quash any dissent where they have the power to do so. is the exact same, except it’s much bigger and run by the Lemmy devs. I don’t think they should get a pass, and I think that Lemmy will become tankie Voat if this is allowed to continue indefinitely.

    I came here because Reddit was being run by corporate scum that only cared about profits, and they crossed too many lines. I thought I could get a new start away from all the mod/admin abuse. I’m starting to realize that basically every instance’s and community’s admins abuse their powers to push their agenda, whether it’s political or trying to maximize membership, to the detriment of their larger userbase.

    I don’t think this is a winning fight, even if LML is effectively quarantined, but I’d like to buy time by mass-defederating them.