• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Actually thats HELLA good to know. I havent really settled on anything yet since I’m still active duty/getting through my masters degree, and I’ve got about 4 years to retirement, but that is going to be a huge influence.

    My buddy actually moved out to St Paul, and he says he’s about 40 mins from Wisconsin’s border. He’s the one who gave me the idea because he’s been begging my husband and I to move out there, as he’s very Lefty and loves it, and he thinks we would too. I don’t disagree with him, I was just in tunnel vision with my literal personal crusade, until he mentioned how close he was to the Wisconsin border. I was like “Oh I could definitely be a Public Defender there then!”

    Thank you so much for the information!

  • Honestly? Same.

    I’m currently getting my Masters degree in Public Admin so I can go to law school after I retire from the military. I wanted to specifically move to a red state because I know no matter what happens in November, red state legislature will always affect the disenfranchised population moreso than in blue states.

    However, now that the military has left me in Texas for this long (10+ years by the time I retire), I’m fucking tired.

    So, the tentative plan now (I still have 4 years) has switched from moving to Florida post-military, to instead moving to Minnesota, and then taking the bar in Wisconsin to practice (and yes, eventually other red states that I have experience in…like Texas 🤮). I think itll be better for my mental health which will help me top of my game for assigned clients.

    Ugh, and to think, pre-2016 my plan was to retire and be a night shift manager at a Circle K.

    Edit: Also fuck hot weather year round.

  • Thank you, I appreciate it. We’re pretty low contact as I live across the country, so I only really talk to him on holidays/birthdays to begin with, but this was an odd one-off.

    I mostly really stay in contact at all because my brother has 2 babies, and the entire family is conservative (to the point that theyre considering home schooling the kiddos), and Im worried theyll never get ANY outside influence if my husband and I dont make an effort.

    Its probably a worthless effort, because mentally I can only handle going home every year or so (and I make it as close to a 72 hr trip as possible), but I just feel like Im abandoning them completely if I cut everyone off now.

  • This fucking lie ended a conversation (that started about plumbing of all things!) between myself and my father with me screaming at him for being racist and him hanging up on me saying “Enjoy your fucking liberal life. Im hanging up now. Love you. Bye.”

    As a rule, I do NOT speak politics with my family because theyre HUGE MAGAts and Im the exact opposite. But my father is one who HAS to bait me. He just…its in his fucking DNA code or something. And usually I grit my teeth through it, but I couldnt this time.

    Ughhhhh this pisses me off so much because I really thought that he would snort and roll his eyes at THIS lie at least. But no. He unironically believes this shit. Its fucking dangerous.

  • Every few months, when the topic of obscure childhood bs comes up in conversation, my husband will always ask about my “made up dinosaur rock band show” from when I was a child.

    I’ve asked so many people in my life, from different areas around the US, varying ages, etc, and only on the internet do I have proof that Denver the Last Dinosaur wasnt a fever dream. 😂

    Thank you for my quarterly validation.

  • I fucking wish every state could. Texas law makes it pretty much impossible to get abortion access on the ballot. Abbott and crew knew exactly what they were kicking off when they signed their “heartbeat bill” pre RvW reversal. They knew they were laying thw groundwork to turn women into brood mares.

    Our ballot initiatives need to come from our legislature itself, and then the voters get to say “Yeah I like that”, or “Nah not about it”.

    “For Texans to gain a direct say in changing these policies, the GOP-run Texas Legislature would need to pass a proposed constitutional amendment, which voters would then need to approve. (This yay-or-nay procedure is the only statewide policy-making power that regular Texans currently enjoy; voters weighed in on 14 such proposals from the Legislature Tuesday). One reason the Lege doesn’t want to give voters the initiative is fairly obvious: It would mean relinquishing some power—and giving interest groups a way to pass laws without lining elected officials’ pockets.”
