Angry_Autist (he/him)

IED(EDS) sufferer and spectrum surfer. You probably won’t like what I have to say.

  • 13 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2024

  • I fully get you the world is nuts right now. I just don’t want you making a permanent decision to solve a problem that may only turn out to be temporary.

    I’ve been shit on and underemployed my entire life due to the way I was born so I get the pain and desperation and I’ve been down very similar dark paths in the past. I mean I’m not trying to compare, right now your pain ins objectively the most immediate and imminent.

    And I wish I had better solutions for you, the ones I found might not work for others and I wouldn’t exactly call myself ‘thriving’ but I get by better than a lot of people in this wealth divided country.

    Maybe I can offer better insight if you detail more of what’s going on. I’m not a crisis counselor but I’ve lived through enough crises that I know to use the word ‘crises’, so that has to count for something. You really sound in a stuck place, tell me about your rocks if you feel up to it. You can even PM me if you prefer.

  • For me I loved the challenge of squeezing out a few extra k of lower memory. My autoexec.bat had four hundred lines in it.

    I miss those days honestly. There’s really not much practical benefit to overclocking anymore, even broke college kid level devices come with at least 8 gigs of ram.

    8… gigs… of ram… and ALL of it treated like lower memory… Could you imagine that in the mid 90s? I’d be thinking star trek.