Don’t worry, the rest of us know you’re not superior, so we will hold the truth for you! But good on you for taking that bull by its horns.
(tongue is in cheek btw)
Oh cool! Share the funny meme when it’s done.
(just pulling your leg. ^^)
Let’s agree to disagree. I respect bus drivers as much as you do. Some people, however, have a greater positive effect on humanity as a whole, and that deserves its own form of respect.
And then there was ADD brain. If only…
Ah cool hang on, just let me get some snacks and a drink before we get in to it.
Ha! I wish.
You people still get into arguments online? Discussions, sure… but arguments? o.O
European indeed. I can imagine that wizards on other continents have less pleasurable experiences.
I’m sorry, but that does not really fit the definition of healthy. I will accept the down votes graciously.
That’s literally insane to me. Fortunately we understand mental health better these days.
Yeah, that was a bit too much. It’s good to keep it nice but colorful language is called that for a reason, life is more beautiful with color.
If the walls could speak though…
Now I want to pet them.
This is a holy shitpost, I’m actually annoyed. Good job!
But we do have information, and knowledge is power. Money is an intermediary.
Literally all of them except size of military.
There is nothing wrong with paying taxes when you’re part of a society. You use the amenities, so you pay your part.
Stop acting like it’s something bad. True wizards know living alone isn’t fun, nor wise.
Damn, now you made a stupid comment too. Time to retract and reflect.