Dang… and you know what, you are probably a thousand percent correct.
Dang… and you know what, you are probably a thousand percent correct.
No please don’t come, and tell everyone, your friends or family who has plans to come to America to not come at least for 4 years.
Didn’t this happen since 2020 for the censorship? Because I got my account banned/kicked out.
How did she like the documentary? Pretty insane on how accurate it is when it comes to our timeline.
Whelp I discovered today that, you can listen to your kindle books through Amazon Alexa. I had no idea that this was an option. Hobby will always be voraciously reading books. I was always tempted to just cave in and get audible but not anymore. So now I can finally be an adult and do boring chores while listening to Alexa read my books. Is it phenomenal? No, but does it do the job, yes.
Awe this made my day thanks.
And everyone is entitled to their own opinions. How I deal with my coping mechanisms with all the crap that is happening in this world is little bit of dark humor. When it comes to higher echelons within the corrupt leaders in comparison to us the 99% out of 1%, they deserve to made of fun and be dragged against the dirt. And the meme never focused solely on the genocide of the innocent but it dug at the incompetence of Idiocracy of these morons.
Visa applicants living abroad already have to share their social media handles with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, but the proposal under President Donald Trump would expand the policy to those already legally in the country who are applying for permanent residency or seeking asylum.
Green card, visa applicants, seeking asylum… and then when does it come to actual us American citizens then? Especially those that were born here? Like when will it come to us all?
Lmao oh my goodness, I have been waiting patiently for the memes!!!
Ha ha, oh now things are getting a little feisty and controversial. I love a good meme that starts a fire. Nice……very nice.
Woaaah there I thought it was in America and orange men there for a sec… you sure this wasn’t in America?
The receipts are wonderful! Nice call out.
I think elimination as in “suicided” seems more likely. I wouldn’t hold my breath when it comes to not taking it so lightly with the journalist, and I am still wondering if this is all satire. But accidentally including a journalist number in signal app is insane. It’s a like a bogus screen cap from Idiocracy.
Awe so the Manga is better. Okay I’ll have to dig in.
So far I am actually into it. I do like it. It’s a little outlandish in the fan service over all. I find it hilarious but in general it’s interesting. So it’s Ren Yamashiro. I guess she shows up in episode 12. Oh my. Don’t tell me anything lol.
Anyways I think the real test is whether people can handle a small forum with strict moderation and focused discussion. That will reveal who has half a brain apart from the fuckwads. I’ve seen people come to what are now basically private forums acting like a garden variety social media user only to get smacked down real quick. A sobering dose of reality for them.
I see what you mean. It will be interesting to see who is a brain dead NPC influenced by social media in the mass monopolization sector of it. Who is really into the niche topics and genre of commentary in the essence of forums. I will always hold out in hope when it comes to social media that is built by the people for the people. But you are exactly correct in being a test.
Just because you said this I am now gonna have to watch this.
Oh my goodness!!! No way!!!
I honestly don’t think Internet forum will ever loose itself. You will always always have small amount of people who will migrate to smaller forums for whatever topic or subject that they are interested in. Yes it might seem like discord and Reddit might appear to be the major forums of today’s modern age of communication under the title of forums.
People will always migrate and do whatever means to obtain freedom of speech. If Reddit and discord, well Reddit that I actually know of continue to perm ban or ban because of a word that our overlords aka moderators ban, because they are drunk with power and micromanage their sub Reddit then it’ll die. It will take time but forums like Lemmy and IRC (I know this ages me.) which still exist today, will never die. People just are not aware that other forums exist. They just have to do a little research or stumble upon it by accident which is how I found Lemmy. I was familiar with the term fediverse, but just never really looked into it.
So there’s hope. Humans are peculiar and interesting. We are highly intelligent, and I will always lean on the fact that we are tenacious and we never lack in ingenuity. They can never control our creativity and imagination. If something tries to monopolizes and put us in a box, there’s always a rebel creating a door for some of us to escape.
Said the vampire from Transylvania.