• primal_buddhist@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Agreed on the thrust of your comment but i also saw that a few changes to the nature of earth and everything changes. For example, a bit bigger and we could not use a rocket to leave orbit as it would exceed the power ratios. A bit closer to the sun etc.

    And the fact that it took 4bn years.

    The raw maths produces alot of planets but they still have to be Goldilocks

    • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      We couldn’t use a chemical rocket correct. A bit bigger meaning about 6x the size of earth by mass if I remember that article correctly. Nuclear rockets would be all we have, you know that tech we looked into and didn’t pursue over 60 years ago. Unless of course we really only accepted rockets instead of using plain ballistics and orbital machines. I don’t know why you think it matters to some god that we go into space, nothing in the holy writings of humanity indicates that. Also if that was the goal I doubt NASA would have been stuck in LEO for 52 years and counting.

      You are right you need a lot of things to go right to get us. Here is another fun fact. Take a deck of cards and shuffle them. The odds of that combination is 1 out of 52!, which is about 1.24e-66%. Put another way, imagine a 1% of something happening, now imagine some event is a 10 million billion billion billion billion billion billion as likely as that happening, that number is the odds of that particular deck existing. And yet a particular arrangement happens thousands of times a minute.

      Just because any given outcome is unlikely doesn’t mean no outcome is possible.