• conditional_soup@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    So, the thing about the US is that we became cum slaves to the car companies. That’s not the whole picture, there’s, of course, other factors like white flight and other racism-based phenomena, big oil lobbying, etc. etc. but any other industry would gladly murder their mother to have the kind of absolute entrenchment and societal dependency that the car industry has in the US. For seventy years, every urban policy has bent itself around the concerns of cars and the people who own them, including the transfer of wealth from downtowns that pay well more than they consume in taxes to the suburbs who consume far more than they pay in taxes. There’s a reason why US urbans are uniquely terrible, even among NATO and other capitalist countries.

    I’m glad for China, everyone deserves to have good cities. I don’t think that having good urbans again is out of the reach of the US, even without a revolution. It’s just going to take time, a lot of time, and consistent action at the local, state, and federal levels.

  • Reality Suit@lemmy.one
    1 month ago

    I wonder how the Uyghurs feel about this. Or even Taiwan. This is just CCP propaganda. The people of China are just as much victims to their government as the people of the US. All around the world, countries are being led by inept and out of touch capitalists. It doesn’t matter how they frame their governments. Making money is the number one goal.

    We all could be living in a highly futuristic world with everything provided to us if only those who stole it all would just give back a little.

    • davel [he/him]@lemmy.ml
      1 month ago

      This is just CCP propaganda.

      The Morning Star is a British labor press, something the US used to have in abundance before the red scares.

      I wonder how the Uyghurs feel about this.

      The US tried to foment division in China by funding and organizing terrorist cells in Xinjiang, and once those efforts failed, it concocted and promoted a genocide narrative. Antony Blinken is still pushing this slop, just last month.

      The blueprint of regime change operations

      We see here for example the evolution of public opinion in regards to China. In 2019, the ‘Uyghur genocide’ was broken by the media (Buzzfeed, of all outlets). In this story, we saw the machine I described up until now move in real time. Suddenly, newspapers, TV, websites were all flooded with stories about the ‘genocide’, all day, every day. People whom we’d never heard of before were brought in as experts — Adrian Zenz, to name just one; a man who does not even speak a word of Chinese.

      Organizations were suddenly becoming very active and important. The World Uyghur Congress, a very serious-sounding NGO, is actually an NED Front operating out of Germany […]. From their official website, they declare themselves to be the sole legitimate representative of all Uyghurs — presumably not having asked Uyghurs in Xinjiang what they thought about that.

      The WUC also has ties to the Grey Wolves, a fascist paramilitary group in Turkey, through the father of their founder, Isa Yusuf Alptekin.

      Documents came out from NGOs to further legitimize the media reporting. This is how a report from the very professional-sounding China Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) came to exist. They claimed ‘up to 1.3 million’ Uyghurs were imprisoned in camps. What they didn’t say was how they got this number: they interviewed a total of 10 people from rural Xinjiang and asked them to estimate how many people might have been taken away. They then extrapolated the guesstimates they got and arrived at the 1.3 million figure.

      Sanctions were enacted against China — Xinjiang cotton for example had trouble finding buyers after Western companies were pressured into boycotting it. Instead of helping fight against the purported genocide, this act actually made life more difficult for the people of Xinjiang who depend on this trade for their livelihood (as we all do depend on our skills to make a livelihood).

      Any attempt China made to defend itself was met with more suspicion. They invited a UN delegation which was blocked by the US. The delegation eventually made it there, but three years later. The Arab League also visited Xinjiang and actually commended China on their policies — aimed at reducing terrorism through education and social integration, not through bombing like we tend to do in the West.

      Or even Taiwan.

      I don’t really know. I’d have to ask the actual working class of Taiwan, not their government or corporate media.

      Edit to add:

      All around the world, countries are being led by inept and out of touch capitalists. It doesn’t matter how they frame their governments. Making money is the number one goal.

      That’s not what’s currently happening in China. Yes China has capitalists, but they haven’t captured the state, as evidenced by the recent crackdown on property speculation.

      • Reality Suit@lemmy.one
        1 month ago

        Yeah, any non native government is a fraud. Everything the US does, China and any other “super power” has committed as well.

        I’m not anywhere near an expert on history, but when one regime is held up higher than another regime, we forget that they got there through blood and murder. Yes, I know the article was on infrastructure, but there is a whole intricate world where everything is connected in one way or another. Uyghurs are just one population that have existed on this planet. And yes, I’m sure there are some ethnic Uyghurs who are doing just fine.

        You can easily find a video where a north Korean defector is claiming how much better north Korea is compared to the US.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlOP
      1 month ago

      It’s amazing how these trolls always come out from the woodwork to regurgitate the same old propaganda that’s been debunked to death. Nobody is buying your bullshit here.

      • Reality Suit@lemmy.one
        1 month ago

        Yes, a propaganda piece. The US sucks, just like any other country where a non native population is in control of the region, but you have to look at how that infrastructure is being built and where. What is being removed or destroyed to make way for that infrastructure.

        I’m calling out the fact that this news piece exists for what purpose? The news needs to report on actual news and not assessments or opinions.