Since people are curious Ill explain why:

I need to build our project from the remote repo using a PowerShell script (.ps1). I’m using Bash in the VSCode terminal, I have to run the .ps1 script in a new Command Prompt because the compilation takes around 5 minutes and I need my terminal for other things. To do this, the only way is to run a batch file that executes the .ps1 script.

Its an automation so I dont need to touch powershell whatsover and remain in bash terminal. Instead of opening several windows, I automated all so it only takes 1 alias to compile my shit.

The compilation also requires several inputs and “Key Presses”, so I automated all of that in the Batch file.

    9 months ago

    All of those inputs would likely be much better built into the ps1 file. PowerShell is meant as a sucessor to vbscript which was meant as a successor to windows batch.

    Selecting options? Make them parameters that you just set when calling the script: ./build.ps1 -Arch 64 -CompressSplines

    Needing someone to manually confirm something completed? Add a while loop to wait 5 seconds while whatever spawned process is still running.


    Also, you can have multiple terminals open in VSCode.

    You’ve not listed any requirements that aren’t more easily solved with existing features in the tools you’ve listed. Learn the tools your work expects you to use before you start blaming them for shit.