Gamers like to make it sound like $70 is a new thing today for video games. When, I’ve seen adverts of games back in late 90s and early 90s that were priced $70. It’s always been around so I find it ridiculous that so many of them complain that the pricing is too high when, it’s been a thing.

Even more dumb is that sales are stupidly frequent so why even bother trying to pay $70 anyways besides FOMO.

    4 months ago

    I dunno, I seem to have misplaced my Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Game Prices by Week. :D

    Just pointing out that back in the day it was not unusual to have the most desirable games cost $70 for a while. It wasn’t special editions / GOTY stuff - those type of things didn’t even exist yet. So I’d imagine whoever is downvoting you is an old curmudgeon like me that lived through the Dawn of Video Games like I did, and remembers this as not being uncommon. Hell, even normal NES games were $50 or so. I remember paying that much for Final Fantasy when it came out. Once you add in inflation, that’s an expensive game!