The more people find out about the Green party’s policies, the more they tend to switch off. So today’s campaign launch was over in 15 minutes

    3 months ago

    Which would make perfect sense if there was some way of adding ‘… but don’t count my vote if it makes electing the Labour candidate less likely’ to your ballot. As it is, the effect of voting Green is to make a Labour government, and therefore any effective action on climate change, less likely. So, your real choice is: A Labour government, that does something (even if it’s less than you’d like) or voting Green and handing government back to the Tories, and getting nothing (which is definitely less than you’d like).

    And right now, when Labour are promising to decarbonise the grid by 2030, which may well be impossible, it’s especially absurd to insist they do ‘more’. ‘More’ than borderline impossible?