Won an original Link’s Awakening Game Boy manual on a Goodwill charity auction. Had to share the nostalgia.

  • Jim_Just_Jim@lemmy.worldOP
    4 months ago

    Whew. I hear you so hard. FWIW, I did actually win the cartridge in this auction as well, but since it’s just a cartridge and no box, I didn’t think many people here would appreciate a pic of a cart as much as they would a pic of the manual.

    I’m also an old man yelling at clouds so I’m right there with you. Isn’t it crazy that we’ve found ourselves here so quickly?

    And also, mad props for referencing Jon Lajoie. A very talented individual who doesn’t get enough credit. I love his work! For anyone reading this thread who has never heard of him, I encourage you to check him out. He has an awesome sense of humor!

    I commiserate with you. The days of manuals are gone. And for what it’s worth, the Zelda material is super sad for me as well because my late baby sister and I bonded tightly over the Zelda games. So these games are just super bitter sweet to me as well for so many reasons. When I play these games, I hear her laughter and feel her next to me. The games mean more to me than most, I suspect.

    You’re not alone. In fact, it sounds like you’re my favorite kind of people! Thanks so much for commenting. I wish it weren’t true, but the day of the manual has come to a close and you and I are the minority. But you are not alone. Let’s appreciate what we have left. The next generation will never be so fortunate!! Do not be discouraged. Sounds to me like you’re pretty rad!

    We all have sad days. You are not alone!

    • chknbwl@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      the Zelda material is super sad for me as well because my late baby sister and I bonded tightly over the Zelda games

      First off, I hope you have been able to find your solace. Losing family sucks, but when it’s someone that close to you it frankly changes you. This internet stranger’s heart is with you, FWIW.

      My brother and I bonded over the Zelda franchise (specifically the OoT/MM era, plus WW). We grew up rough, weren’t sure if we would even make it to our thirties, and those adventure games helped us escape from some pretty crappy experiences. To us, it’s more than a franchise: it’s a culture.

      Link is (usually) never the same character in the games; they’re like reincarnations. Being a Link doesn’t mean being one singular person. To me, being a Link means being steadfast, flexible, compassionate and, above all, adventurous. Things anyone can do/be, and that’s why I think the Zelda franchise fosters some truly amazing gamers when they play those games. Although I do find myself regularly curbing the invasive thoughts to break people’s pots… small price to pay!

      I digress, the explosive prevalence of the Internet has led to printed walkthrough manuals being a thing of the Early Aughts. Ahh, it’s great getting older!