• TrickDacy@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      They’re simping for him. They don’t need to state the obvious directly for me to notice it

      • orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts
        3 months ago

        Pointing out the facts about Biden is not “simping” for that pile of shit Trump. It’s like when someone criticizes Biden, we’re required to also provide a list of why Trump is bad.

        Have you seen the guy? He’s completely open about his quid pro quo corruption. He hired his entire family to positions of power because why not. He shared top secret documents like it was nothing, while hiding them at his shitty golf resort. He’s painfully fucking blatant and obvious about how shitty he is. We don’t need to supply a list of why he sucks because the dude is a cartoon supervillain. Trust me, when I talk about how shitty Genocide Joe is, I’m definitely not pushing for another 4 years of that asshole Trump.

        The reason we have to point things out about Biden is because a ton of otherwise smart people have fallen for this nonsense that he’s somehow good, when he’s nothing but a covert shill for corporations and war, just like every candidate has to be when they become the president of the United States. People like me are tired of the kindergarten-level “if you’re not voting for Biden, you’re voting for Trump” logic that we have to hear on repeat on a daily basis. Why can’t they both be shit? Why can’t it simply be a conversation of why democracy in the US is dead and the fact that we need some sort of political revolution or a goddamn miracle at this point?

        Making the assumption that we like A because we criticized B and vice versa is just stupid and dismissive. The world is not that black and white and everyone knows that. This kind of attitude is absolutely counterproductive to unhooking ourselves from these Groundhog Day elections every 4 years where we’re forced to pick from a right-winger or a right-winger.

          • orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts
            3 months ago

            That’s reductive and defeatist as fuck. Third party candidates and parties exist. They don’t suddenly cease to exist simply because the 2 right-wing parties we’ve had forced upon us have gone out of their way to prevent them from participating. I don’t suddenly like Trump because I hate Biden and vice versa. I hate them both, just like I hate the fact that democracy in the US died years ago. Having to vote for 2 shades of fascism is not an actual valid choice and giving it merit is the equivalent of validating it as acceptable.

            • Perfide@reddthat.com
              3 months ago

              Third party candidates and parties exist. They don’t suddenly cease to exist simply because the 2 right-wing parties we’ve had forced upon us have gone out of their way to prevent them from participating.

              Ah yes, the great and amazing third parties of the US. In this corner we’ve got the Libertarians, aka the “republicans that like weed and dislike age of consent laws” party, and in the other corner we have the Green Party, aka the “pops up every election year to complain how both sides are bad, before promptly returning to the ether upon the elections conclusion” party.

              Such good options, I truly don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want to vote for one of those two. /s

            • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
              3 months ago

              When is the last time a third party got anywhere close to victory in a presidential election? I don’t think they’ve broken 7% of votes in decades and decades. There is zero indication that would change so what are you talking about?