The link right here goes to 40:02 of Proton’ boss on the TLE channel about Linux support, where a Drive Client is deemed so difficult to achieve that they don’t even have a roadmap for it. Nor is the word “Linux” featured anywhere on proton’s pages about Drive.


If I believe what I see on Lemmy, 99% of users here are on Linux, and the 1% remaining probably are just waiting on a Drive Linux Client to make the switch, right? Right?

Please take the survey and maybe mention politely our deep sorrow and profound distress.

The accompanying message says “Limited submissions. Respond now to ensure your voice is heard.”

Let’s go! Thanks!

    2 months ago

    While I wish Linux support was something they prioritized, it doesn’t take much to understand it’s never gonna happen.

    It takes a single look into the Proton VPN v4 client to understand Linux is a third class citizen at best.

    • ReallyZen@lemmy.mlOP
      2 months ago

      That Boss guy says it there, Linux customership is negligible. I was happy to switch to an ethical ecosystem, but at the end of the day Proton is a company that runs for profit.

      Nevermind that this specific Linux customership is exponentially sensitive to privacy and security next to the average windows user, our money still doesn’t matter.

      It’s… annoying. Drive is relegated to weekly Dead Stupid Backups while Dropbox gives me real filesharing, VPN is highly unstable next to my former… dare I mention it? Yes: next to NkrdVPN which was ultra reliable anywhere I went, and Mail is only used for the passmail obfuscation since I don’t think I’ll stay with proton and didn’t switch my main mail to it.

      I’d be curious to know if the userbase of proton products reflects that of general statistics of OS’es repartition.

        2 months ago

        That Boss guy says it there, Linux customership is negligible.

        Yeah, of course. I understand this. Developing for Linux is hard and probably not worth it financially.

        It’s also a chicken/egg problem, isn’t it? If a Linux user is seeking a VPN software, why would they pick Proton over something with a better client? (eg: Mullvad). You can’t get a good user base when your product is so inferior.

        The Proton Drive problem is something I don’t really understand. How hard would it be to develop a v1 product with rclone and then a v2 product that was actually nice?