I couldn’t find a higher resolution image of is this, sorry.

  • phoenixz@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    Fully agree with you.

    TNG, DS9 are heavyweights with countless great (and a number of not so great) episodes. The characters are very likable and example figures in life. The stories were mostly good, loads of great and awesome stories. The cinematography was just nice and calm, the ships were places where people could actually live and looked beautiful. The techno babble was at least rooted in something. It was positive.

    What we have now is quite literally opposite of all that. The cinematography is now all quick cuts, weird angles and basically “edgy”. The characters are egocentric and just plain awful, especially in discovery. Ships are no longer places where people would actually live, it’s all dark and broody, swearing is common because reasons and remember that time that in TNG someone said merde? That is the exact same! Now we do visible torture, character histories are cherry pick optional so characters that were on an arc of redemption and show wisdom are now lesbian dual pistol wielding ninja mass murderers… not that I care about anyone’s sexual preferences, seriously don’t, but if a character is one don’t make it another just to tick a checkbox. If you want to have a ship full of transgenders, then by all means do that, just don’t use existing characters for that (except maybe dax?)

    And who can be surprised by any of it? All classic trek was always made by people who loved trek and who were with it for long times. Nu trek is made by people who self professed never even eat he’d star trek, don’t really care about it, and prefer to use the show to shoehorn their political views, so we get whatever the hell those things were that they called Klingons but we’re actually trump fans, I sht you not.

    Another show came along, called the Orville. It was created by a huge fan of classic trek and it frigging shows. Its a ship where I want to live and work. Lighting is actually normal, wow! It has nice and relatable characters in story lines that actually make you think about morals and ethics… Sounds familiar? It’s an awesome show, though even there season three kinda suffers from the cgi over storyline… It’s sad that a non trek show does trek better than star trek itself now.