Just putting this up to contrast with this post and because Eli Valley is a great political cartoonist.

  • OccamsTeapot@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Pretty fucking depressing that the anti fascism vote is also the keep supporting genocide vote. It’s a trolley problem but one track only has foreigners tied to it so we’re supposed to cheer for that option I guess

    • PugJesus@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      One track has Palestinians tied to it, the other track has more Palestinians tied to it, Ukrainians and probably others tied to it, AND American minorities by the bushel.

      If you’re looking for a point in history when there wasn’t someone getting hit by the trolley, you’ll be looking a while. We have to find the choice that is most achievable and least damaging.

        • PugJesus@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Sounds like I should do what’s best to send a message to the Democrats then, since people are going to die either way and there is no winning with this single vote. Thanks!

          “People are going to die either way, so I might as well enable the worse choice!” - Voter in Weimar Germany

          Nice work, good job on murdering as many minorities as you can because… people are going to die anyway, so it may as well be as many as possible?

          And fascist simps like you wonder why you’re disdained by so many.

            • PugJesus@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              Killing as many minorities as possible and ushering in fascism is the best long-term effect in your mind?

              Yeah, that tracks. You keep simping for fascism, bud.

                • PugJesus@lemmy.world
                  5 months ago

                  “And punish the party” by… giving power to fascists?

                  You… you think that the electoral victory of the far-right will push the overton window… left?

                  Are you dumb, or just pretending to be?

                  (I am one of the minorities that will be targeted by a GOP admin, btw)

                  Congrats, we’ll be in line in the concentration camps together. I’m sure you’ll be loudly crying out “AT LEAST I DIDN’T VOTE FOR THE DEMONRATS” as the showers turn on for us.

                  • Remmock@kbin.social
                    5 months ago

                    When the Democratic party’s strategists have decided that “you definitely don’t want the other guy voted in” in place of literally any other strategy is their best option, please explain to me why anyone further left of your centrism should believe that the administration will take another vote cast for them as anything but approval of the job they’ve done so far and an endorsement of more of the same.

                    On the flip side, to hold Biden himself accountable for the overreaction from University boards’ decisions on behalf of their corporate masters (donors, if that wasn’t clear), or responsible for the large number of Representatives and Senators making and voting for policy with their heads up their own or others’ asses, when he has been caught on the hot mic disparaging Netanyahu for how Israel is conducting itself is holding the wrong person accountable.

                    I get where they’re coming from. I get it on a level you clearly don’t because you have proven time and again that you have little capacity to sympathize with those who are clearly tired of voting for the “least damaging option”. Take a break and let someone else debate with them, because the more you criticize the further you’ll solidify their position.

                    Okay, dad?