Since I like FreeBSD so much on my server I installed it on my crappy unstable laptop as well. I only use it for browsing, editing notes and video conferencing when working from home, so I need no complex setup.

From top to bottom:

  • Output of fastfetch, an open neovim and my wallpaper switcher. The bar is eww.
  • A second workspace with Firefox and my notes.
  • My “logout window”. Pressing a key combo will show this overlay with the option to close it or pick shutdown/reboot/logout.

Not pictured is fuzzel for running applications.

A few minor things still need to be done but nothing major will change.

    5 months ago

    Sick ass looking setup! I recognize some stuff from there, which is pretty cool. (I’m there!)

    Also, what are those images in the corner? They seem to be average posts or something. Last time I saw something similar, it was due to a friend that (I believe) had adware on their Windows 11 machine.


    Also, if I remember correctly, you said that your computer is ‘shitty’: (Your computer cannot be as shitty as mine!) Hover over that, by the way.

    Oké, doei.

    I may take inspiration from this in the future, which I think you know why. Respect!