• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Some days I think the news organizations seek out the shittiest opinions and air them in hopes of getting clicks.

    This is literally the opposite of how polls work…

    But just in general, can you tell me if we’re at a 1 or 2 in your eyes:

    1. The only reason there arent more people excited about Biden because the media influenced everyone.

    2. Everyone is super excited about Biden and this poll is trying to influence people into thinking no one does.

    Because, man…

    In 2016 both worked bad for Hillary…

    In 2020 both worked badly for trump…

    And if we’re at this point for Biden 2024…

    Well, it ain’t a good sign homie. And even if you think it’s too late to change candidate, can we at least agree that what Biden and his campaign is doing isn’t working?